Golf Players

Golfers are Mugs – Swing Update.

Topbloke thinks that there is no quick fix and instructors that charge high prices don’t match the high expectations it warrants . Marcus Bellend obviously knows his stuff but is he exploiting idiot golfers? Discuss


  1. Swing looks decent Topfella,keep the grind going….agree no such thing as a quick fix,time,effort and GOOD practice is the key to improvement. Our local range has a weekly group lesson,5 students max for an hour with about 10-15 mins on Trackman and as many golf balls as you like for £15 sheets..absolute no brainier..I’ve improved no end and play off 5.3 now from around 11 before I started the sessions.

  2. You are right about the instructors, they complicate things too much and don't address the fundamentals. You are definitely working on the right things, 'cos that is what I am working on ! I am concentrating on getting some left sidebend in the backswing, with wrist cock as well which I maintain as long into the hit as I can, and then that same squat transition you are trying for. I am concentrating on the feel of where the back of my left hip is going, with a slight down move first to get that lowering into the squat, and then let the arms sling into the ball – maybe thinking about Hogans 'connected' thing as well. I think Milos latest video is very good, on the sidebends: As long as you have the left sidebend and the wrist cock it is a lot easier and consistent to unleash into the ball.

  3. Simple fix for you… saw 2” off the length of all your clubs. Won’t improve consistency but will make them a lot easier to get in a wheelie bin. #oldbutgold

  4. I think the Zen golf set up is like a cult. They all buy in to it. I can't see how the technique is viable once you leave the lesson and head back to your course/range. Far too much to do, duck, lift off, compress, turn etc etc

  5. Don’t watch em.
    If you do, the problem is that one small thing they say you pick up on and try it on the course. Multiply that by the number of these videos you watch, and you just end up in a right mess.
    Go see a human being who knows what they are talking about in the flesh.

  6. No one has had more lessons than Liam Draw your own conclusions no Disrespect to Liam he's a good golfer .

  7. £70 for half an hour? Is that with My Golf Gains?! On a side note, is there anyway us long term fans can view your old videos? They used to really cheer me up on a bad day. Hopefully enough water has passed so that the subjects are no longer upset. Swing is looking good mate 👍🏻

  8. nice palm tree TB! love seeing that in the UK! i been working on my own swing with no direction and my ballstriking has improved alot hahaha. i have no idea what im doing but its working

  9. I don't understand ZEN golf.
    1) their name is confusing as Zen golf is actually a book by Dr Joseph Parent and its actually based on ZEN. ZEN golf is not ZEN at all
    2) their prices are stupid as anyone should know you can't transform your game in 3 hours. Also, all the drills they do it would cost another £300 to buy all the training aids.

    It's miles better to get with a coach who you get on with and see them every month or so.

  10. Your not visualising the shot Top Bloke. It’s about freeing your mind, not thinking technique and letting your natural reactions align themselves to produce the shot you want

    That said, you also need to remember to dip, duck, dodge, dive and duck whilst spinning your feet and hands like they are on disks, swaying but not swaying, transfer your weight but from heel to toe on your trail foot at the same time you do the opposite on the lead foot but don’t thrust those hips out, stay in posture but there is no posture because it’s all just natural reactions man 😵‍💫

  11. Hmmm well a lot of comments don't agree with u on this. I don't either. Of course he's trying to make money I would. Goooooo 1st before slating it totally. U cant look at what they did for other people either really, they focus on u and your own swing, not anyone elses!!!! Don't pay 500 notes obviously. Sam is 350 I think and goerge, Danny are 250 for half day.

  12. Jack Nicklaus said golf coaching is bolloxs. He never had one, Jack Grout met with him in January every year just as an extra pair of eyes to confirm Jacks observations of his swing then that was it. Nicklaus said you have to be able to correct yourself on the course when things are going wrong. Be your own coach.

  13. Hi TB. Good video. Frankly I have had so many lessons from many people and have practised regular. Made no difference. I have come to the conclusion it is just weight transfer and natural ball game players are much better at it than those who aren’t. Probably the best teaching videos are from the Easiest Swing in golf. And the reason is that they don’t have anything technical advice. Just uses simple rhythm and weight transfer. Nothing more. People wont want to hear this but it is true I am afraid. Sorry!

  14. I know life is expensive but why are golf lessons £50 to £100 an hour… Eamon Darcy had a golf swing that if you gave it to one of these geeks would tell you that you couldn't hit a golf ball with. If you win the lottery can you book one of these Crossie day lessons and film it? Would be golf gold

  15. Is that you in the new thumbnail? 😂You’re looking a bit lighter……about £500s worth!

  16. Done 3 hour zen lesson 180 pound was poor learnt nothing after many years I've finally figured just relax with great attitude do basics just enjoy

  17. I've played golf for 35 years and can shoot in the 80's on a regular basis. My point is how many ways can you teach a chip shot, a backswing, iron shots 60/40 stance for irons and so on and so on. Find what works for you and that's it. YouTube golf is becoming boring IMHO.

  18. Any pro should be able to get you hitting the ball better after a 3 hour lesson surely…if not then they are in the wrong business

  19. I’ll tell you something else Topbloke, I am getting reall pissed off with all these youtubers posting shyte golf videos from sunnier and warm climes while I am freezing my tits off in Blighty trying to play golf in the pissing rain and wind.
    Rant over.

  20. I gave you a chance but I’m sorry, you’re totally wrong mate… I had a session with Sam Skeldon and I can honestly say it’s totally transformed my game. I don’t need to go back every week as you tell people, all the developments they make stick with you for good, even more so if you have a board but even without one. I used to do what you’re suggesting, series of lessons etc and all that is is a number of fault fixes that will inevitably creep back one by one… the Zen experiences are something else completely, nothing to do with positions and faults… it’s given me a feel for the game like nobody else has, don’t get me wrong, it’s not a cure all, there’s still trees rough and sand to deal with but it’s far better than what you suggest. And believe me I’m no mug mate… do yourself a favour and get over there for a session, I promise you won’t regret it 👍🏼

  21. You carry the same swing traits throughout your whole life. Unless you're Nick Faldo and have David Leadbetter on speed dial, the only real aspects of the swing you can change are tweaking your angle of attack and position of arms at impact, or a slightly different takeaway. Nobody can absorb the information from more than an hour of golf instruction.

  22. Christ, Seeing some of the Zen golf lads who have had lessons come in here to defend their messiah and cult leader is very full on. I don't disagree that individuals will improve over time. The basis of lessons don't seem to be something that I see sticking with golfers all the time. After a while they'll revert back. While the gullable are happy to pay £4000 for a coaching trip of theirs he will continue the trend of videos and drum up the business from people that beleive this will solve everything.

  23. I've seen a few of Zen lessons and was interested in maybe having a lesson. Until I realised it was around £250 for half day lesson before Covid lockdown, and now it's £500!!!!! Just due to getting more popular on YouTube. I know it's all supply and demand, but at that money, I certainly won't be demanding his supply! 🤣

  24. True change takes a long time depending on what baggage you carry, your goals, your bodies abilities, your discipline and your expectations. Don’t fall for the quick tip as it’s only a band aid. Band aids fall off. You are as independent as a fingerprint as so is your swing. Want real help? Go to someone who helps people for a living.

  25. TB I'm going through similar issues. I find to get left hip back I just focus on pushing left foot forwards/away and take the thought of hip turn out my mind. I'm doing about 100 swings a day. No ball , as got no net. Range sessions and course seems to be going better as a result. But like you say, it takes time and lots of practice

  26. Top Bloke, you talk a lot of sense. I get a great laugh watching you rip the pi$$ out of various fraudsters 🤣🤣🤣

  27. Rmw used to promote zenn something serious
    I actually miss his content personally
    Yeah he may come across as a bit of a Belend but like when you have James Robinson as your alternative I’d happily take a big bell end over that little squirt

  28. I have mixed feelings about the zen golf stuff. I certainly am not going to spend £500 on a golf lesson. But that said, I do feel that ‘traditional’ golf lessons, and the over focus of obtaining certain positions is failing many (most) club golfers.

    After-all, very few shots are ever the same, so playing more with instinct and feel makes more sense to me.

  29. I like Zen and I like you TB. They teach some good stuff but of course it’s all just rehashed. We all know what we have to do but we want a quick fix and journey ha.
    I think how much time you can play and practice is obviously gona dictate your handicap, I know that’s obvious but we all still think we should be better.
    Winter I hardly play and when I start again in spring summer I am around an 18 again. Then mid summer I get to about an 11-12 cause I play 4 times a week and can practice in garden. But 11 is probably my level.

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