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The End Game | Southampton 3-3 Tottenham Hotspur: Post-Match Analysis

Host Ricky Sacks is joined by returning guests Lee McQueen, Richard Cracknell and Musician Jah Wobble to reflect on Spurs 3-3 draw against Southampton and whether the club will be looking to part company immediatley with Antonio Conte following an explosive post-match press conference.

We also discuss the role both the players and the board have had in the reason’s behind why Conte’s tenure at Spurs will be coming to an end.

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  1. Ricky. Stop being neutral
    Show some friggin heart
    We are at jeopardy
    I Am considering supporting someone else so this Clab will be over soon

  2. Conte is 100% correct in everything he said. The players are responsible. They have the best training facilities, the best stadium, the best managers. There are no excuses. It’s the players. Not their ability. It’s their attitude. They are spoilt to the core and need to take responsibility. Harry Kane needs to step up and lead as captain.

  3. Blaming the owners is cop out we need a Hoddle Modric Eriksen

  4. JW talking reminded me of that scene at the end of gladiator when Maximus says There was a dream that was Rome. It shall be realized. That's spurs an idea a dream a concept I'm broken hearted because I've woken up and it's a nightmare.

  5. Wow its taken long enough to wake up and smell the coffee, but fair play this was the best comments your show has made tonight. A special mention to JW on the show I could not have summed up our club at the moment better. The fans need to do 3 things immediately stop going to the bar, stop go to spurs shop, and EVERBODY needs to leave the ground on the 75th minute. COYS!!

  6. Even when were in 2nd division back In late 70s football was exciting, through the 80s great and we won stuff, I'm 58 and this is the worst football I have seen, at least the team had some fighting spirit, unlike this callow lot

  7. The fans pay more to watch this shite than any other team in Europe, imagine paying more to watch Tottenham than to watch Bayern, Real Madrid or even Man City. That’s just absurd, insulting to us

  8. A lot of utter nonsense being talked ref LWOS pandering to Conte, the board or whoever. I’ve been listening to these guys for a while now and they most certainly do not! I don’t always agree with everything but yesterday’s therapy was the best yet IMO 👍 I’m not fully sold on a Poch return but Lee’s passionate speech ref Poch at the end was enough to sway me that it is, for all the reasons stated, probably the best way forward right now.

  9. Ricky and team, I’m a regular listener and contributor to your pods, but found it extremely difficult to feel connected to the team/club since the Sheffield Utd game. Conte shouldn’t have done that publicly but he’s emotional and reached breaking point. This mess is down to the board, manager and players. Btw, great interview on Sky today Ricky. Thanks for your continued professionalism.

  10. After being at the game I couldn't handle this straight after, was my sunday morning Therapy session. The team defending was awful yesterday and none of us there felt comfortable at 1-3. Conte is right in his rant after the game but at the same time his tactics simply don't suit the players we currently have.
    Levy is ultimately responsible for the toxic situation at the club and Lee was spot on his comments and the facts to back it up. So sick of the same football being served up to us and am really not sure who will be in the dugout when we all trudge up to Goodison Park. We'll get behind the team when the whistle goes as that's what we always do. I love my / our club but serious changes are needed from the Chairman / Board down. Keep on with the best Spurs podcast and thank you for your and those who come on each week for your continued hard work and dedication for us fans.

  11. Ricky is on the clubs payroll. He always tries to deflect the blame of the board

  12. Ricky, you do such a good job mate. Another top quality show. Bring back Poch. COYS.

  13. I’m sorry but if you want Conte out then you are part of the problem. I’m his presser he was standing up for the fans. Came at the players for their shit mentality and came at the board for their lack of ambition. Made the point that fans deserve much more.

  14. Conte has a squad which is a lot better than a lot of teams, but he can't coach or manage to play to the players' strengths.

    We've played rubbish all season and it's all down to Conte, who has carried on a verbal stoush with the board all the way along.

    He says he wants to win every game but doesn't play player's in their best positions nor does he pick the best team available.

    He is too stubborn to change things when it's obvious the game isn't going well, and if he does it's far too late.

    Also his defensive zonal marking is a crap idea, nobody seems to know what they are doing. I thought he was supposed to be a defensive genius, like Morinho, but neither of them had any idea.

    It's the manager's job to get the player's playing like a team, and if they are not it's Conte's fault entirely, because he is the bloody manager.

    Conte needs to take a good hard look at himself, stop talking in riddles and calling everyone rubbish, and take responsibility for the crap football he is dishing up.

    And if he can't do that he should put his millions to one side, in other words put HIS money where his mouth is and walk; not try to get himself sacked laughing all the way to the bank.

    No wonder he hasn't been a manager anywhere for very long !! COYS.

  15. That was the single most amazing performance from any guest I've seen from JW 👏🏼 fantastic

  16. I want to hear "KEEP THE FUCKING BALL!" at every game from now on! It was worth enduring that post-mortem for the great laugh that Jah Wobble gave me at the end.
    We will both 65 be at the end of this year and I am desperate to see us win the Premiership before I peg it too-or any cup for that matter.
    Great show, so welcome and so necessary so thanks to you, Ricky, and Crackers and Lee and to the great Jah Wobble for reminding me just how damned good it is to be alive!

  17. My heart bleeds for spurs fan spend my young days watching Billy Nick's side dont want to watch anymore

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