Golf Players

Steep Swing vs Shallow Swing


  1. All good stuff my man, I like how you mention some people get to much tilt but the common issue isn’t enough tilt, rather than what I see a lot of on YouTube is people making different aspects of the swing,(example, shallowing) seem like you can’t do to much of it, but of course there’s always that happy medium. What I would add to this is, letting that trail(right) arm extend on the down swing, while keeping the elbow tucked. I see a lot of people not letting that right arm straighten and that causes the club to cut across it as well, even with good body work, it’s nearly impossible to come from the inside without that trail arm extension. Of course it’s impossible to fit everything into a 60 second short. I like the content, keep grinding 🤘⛳️🧙‍♂️

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