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In the world of fighting, there’s a fine line between being confident and being cocky. While some fighters manage to intimidate their opponents, others take it too far and end up paying the price for it. In this video, we’re counting down the top 13 times when cocky fighters got owned in the ring.

Trinidad and Mayorga
Mayorga tried to play it cool when Trinidad landed a left hook on him, but little did he know that this act would cost him the match. Trinidad knocked him out in less than two minutes in the final eighth round, and finally won the fight.

Too Cocky
The next fighter on our list was too relaxed and even swayed his body while fighting. He smiled when he sustained a punch from his opponent, but all this cockiness cost him the match, and his opponent won.

This fighter was far too relaxed for the fight, even standing in the corner with his hands down. He looked calm and composed, but a deadly punch from his opponent landed him, knocking him out instantly.

Derrick Lewis vs Curtis Blaydes
Derrick Lewis delivered a flush shot in the second round and finished the fight, equalling Vitor Belfort’s record for the most knockouts in UFC history.

Anderson Silva vs Vitor Belfort
Silva, the finest mixed-martial-arts fighter in the world, demonstrated why he is head and shoulders above the competition with an incredible knockout through a front kick to the face that left Belfort in a heap.

Julian Jackson KO 4 Herol Graham
Julian “The Hawk” Jackson is still regarded as one of the most powerful punchers in boxing history. With the vacant WBC middleweight championship on the line in 1990, he faced former British and European heavyweight champ Herol Graham, who was giving boxing instructions going into the fourth round. However, a puncher like Jackson should never be underestimated, as he delivered a knockout blow that brought Graham to the floor.

Francis Ngannou vs Stipe Miocic 2
After a shocking second-round knockout of Stipe Miocic in a fight that headlined UFC 260, Francis Ngannou is officially the UFC heavyweight champion of the world.

Muhammad Ali KO8 George Foreman
Ali’s knockout in Kinshasha was a sequence of well-timed steps and nicely positioned daggers that brought Foreman to his knees.

Sergio Martinez KO 2 Paul Williams
Sergio Martinez hit Paul Williams with a left hand that hit with one of the more painful loud bangs you’ll hear inside a boxing ring.

Mike Tyson TKO5 Frank Bruno, February 1989
When Tyson and Bruno first met in February 1989, it was clear that they would have a great fight. Tyson, on the other hand, went full-on beast mode in the fifth round, trapping Bruno along the bars and delivering three crushing power shots before finishing the combo with a left hook to the jaw.

Aaron Pryor vs Alexis Arguello
In the 14th round, Aaron Pryor came out swinging, landing 20 consecutive punches until the referee intervened to halt the fight. It was named the 1980s’ “Fight of the Decade.”

Juan Manuel Marquez vs Manny Pacquiao
Both men came out of the gate looking to make a statement, and both hit the canvas before the end of the night. Marquez fired a right shot for the ages in the last seconds of round six, dropping Pacquiao and finally giving him the victory he had been after for so long.

Marvin Hagler vs Thomas Hearns
It was only three rounds long, but it was the most enthralling eight minutes in boxing history. Hearns’ legs were rubbery by the second round, and Hagler remained aggressive, fearful that a cut on his forehead might cause the bout to be stopped by the referee. In the third round, he defeated Hearns.

These fights show that being too cocky can often lead to defeat. Fighters who underestimate their opponents or become too relaxed in the ring are setting themselves up for failure. So, always stay humble and focused, and never underestimate your opponent.

We hope you enjoyed watching these brutal knockouts as much as we did. If you did, don’t forget to hit the subscribe and bell icon button for more exciting videos like this. Also, let us know in the comments which fight was your favorite or if there is any other fight you think should have been on this list. Thank you for watching!


  1. Cocky fighters getting owned? What is this? You know nothing if you don't think that Ali was cocky when he went around saying he was the greatest non stop and got everyone to buy into it. Foreman was maybe arrogant but Ali took arrogance and cockiness to a whole new level. This is the usual silly internet list.

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