Golf Players

The TRUTH Behind Shaft Lean With Driver, This Is Important!

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In this video, Adam teaches you the truth behind driver shaft lean and the importance of having less shaft lean. When some one has too much shaft lean with driver and longer club, it will cause the face to remain open resulting in massive slices. The answer is to have a neutral clubface. If you deal with cupping of the wrist, you will need to feel a more bowed sensation.

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  1. I am doing the towel/headcover under my rear arm to flatten my swing a bit. I got to steep. I will try and record my swing to check my wrists at the top.

  2. I saw you gave tempo (BPM) suggestions for putting, do you have recommendations for chipping and iron shots as well?

  3. Dude, you seriously give the best tips in ALL of youtube. I wasn't able tonhit driver a few months ago. Now, with your tips, im hitting driver about 250yds and slowly progressing on distance.

  4. Do you ever get any average golfers come to you for lessons? Everybody on your channel is a great golfer with a damn near PGA level swing. Would love to see videos of you working with amateurs who aren’t as solid.

  5. What would say to work on if I’m using portal setup and I’m hitting driver low and sometimes low left, how to fix it?

  6. In answer to the question about people in the industry into technical speak when it comes to golf swings and golf clubs:

    Pete Cowen is one of those guys that can uses the technical terms properly to describe the physics, positions, and motions, but is also able to simplify the ideas into basics, drills, and feels that people can related to. Mike Malaska also seems like someone who understands the more technical concepts of what is happening, but doesn't waste time throwing them at people, but instead converts them into simplified concepts and drills that people can understand, relate to, and execute without a need for the student to decipher it first. Nick Faldo also seemed to have a good understanding of the inner workings of the golf swing, and equipment, but simplified things down to short simple to understand phrases, positions, and movements.

    There are a lot of guys throwing around technical terms trying to make it sound like they know what they're talking about, but have no understanding of how the phrases they are talking about relate to how the swing works. Oftentimes the things they throw out there are unnecessary to know as they relate to the golf club or the golf swing. (If they even truly understand the meaning of the term that doesn't mean it has any true significance in the actual cause of what's happening, and may simply be (an effect) occurring as the result of other things – and be pointless to know). Michael Jacobs and Sasho Makenzie (last name spelling probably incorrect) are two people I think throw around technical terms about torques and forces that are unnecessary to know, and knowing them has no bearing on swinging a club efficiently or repeatedly. There are a number of other people like that, but their names don't come readily to mind as their information isn't worth remembering.

  7. Jupiter's Big Red Spot is named that for a reason – rough quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson

  8. I have been watching your instruction for the last 5 months. I am 52, great shape, and had a pretty good game over the years but had many bad habits. I rolled the club inside for years and your 50/50 takeaway/turn was revolutionary for me. I have practiced this all winter and finally have it ingrained. My driver game however has been nonexistent for 15 years or so. Your knife to the head thought was such a light bulb moment for me. I played for the first time this season on Monday and had the best driving day in 20 years. I am sorry this is so long, and you may not even see this, but I want to thank you for your instruction and the simplicity that has drastically improved my game. I know you don't know me, but I consider you my coach and if there is ever an opportunity for me to get to your area, I will be booking a lesson and to just thank you in person. I really appreciate you Adam, thank you!!

  9. I'm not a big 'golf term' guy either, it makes things way too confusing. This is actually a pretty simple fix, all Mason really had to do here was flat load his feet so he could snap load his power package. That way, he could amplify both lag and drag pressure through impact fix. As long as the number two power accumulator doesn't break down, he can reach maximum centripetal force with minimum pivotal resistance. You see, the pivot is utilization of multiple centers to produce a circular motion for generating centrifugal force on an adjusted plane, plus it makes the balance necessary to promote the two line delivery path. See, golf is basically just geometrically oriented linear force. It involves a physical muscular thrust and the geometry of the circle. You can divide the golf swing into 24 basic components, each having between 12 and 15 variations. Simple stuff.

  10. Gankas is %100 a golf term guy. He’s probably incredibly knowledgeable but sometimes when he talks, it’s just words 😅

  11. All that speed in the shoulders and arms just releasing what was built PROPERLY in the backswing is what I see!!!

  12. “Driver is the heaviest club”.
    I’m sorry, but it’s the lightest. Did you mean to say longest? Or elaborate? Thanks

  13. Hey Mason where's the "I love you, too, man" back at Porzak there at the end lol can't leave him hanging

  14. I think the “golf term” thing is really interesting. I have a local coach that I don’t understand, literally can’t understand what he’s telling me. You manage to put things into really understandable terms.

    To be fair, my local guy helps me identify what’s real and what’s feel with the in person aspect.

  15. Hey Porzak could you please show us how Mason rotates his body so well and what he feels to get that good body rotation

  16. I have been watching your videos for the last number of weeks and they are unbelievable. They way you go through each individual and explain and show way with drills to fix it is fantastic. There is so much that l can take when l get back to the range and hitting balls again. This one and the video you did on rhythm are fantastic. Hopefully in the next few months l will get back and try those drills. Keep up the great work. They are very lucky to be able to get lessons in person from you.

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