The GRIP: How to hold it with your Trail Hand | The Golf Paradigm

How you hold the golf club is of the utmost importance if your grip is to match up with how your body moves during the swing. Take the grip correctly and your ball striking will reach a new level. Take the grip incorrectly, and your game will suffer tremendously.

The trail hand is what we focus on in this video. We have to give credit to where credit is due and we learned this from the great teachers Mike Adams, EA Tischler, and Terry Rowles. We highly suggest you give them a follow across all social media.

To determine your trail hand and how it should be put on the club do the following:
1) Assume an address position with your palms together.
2) Without moving your shoulders, swing your arms back, the lead arm will go across your chest.
3) When your arms stop pay attention to how a) your trail arm folds and b) where your trail arm palm is pointing

The trail elbow folds upwards and behind you and the palm of the trail hand faces towards the ground or at a slight angle towards the ground, your trail hand grip will be slightly weaker than neutral.

The trail elbow folds neutral, and the trail palm faces away from you (or parallel to the ground) you will have a neutral grip (where the palm faces the target while on the grip)

The trail elbow folds quickly, is tight to your side, and the trail palm is facing towards the sky, you will have a stronger grip.

For some this ‘new’ lead hand position maybe uncomfortable but because it is how your body is designed the adaptation should not take long at all.

Don’t forget to also check out our video on how to determine the lead hand grip. Link below….

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What is The Golf Paradigm (Pair-a-dime)?
The Golf Paradigm is a theory that encompasses a Whole-In-One approach to improvement. It begins with the overall paradigm; i.e. the game of golf. Followed by two parts that are always to remain in balance; i.e. the golf yin/yang – ‘improving’ and ‘enjoyment’. Helping to maintain that balance are the 5 elements of the game; the swing, club fitting, health/fitness, mental, and integration. Knowing which area to focus on and how the other areas supplement that helps to form the golfers ‘recipe’ for improvement. As the golfer improves their recipe, or what is focused on, changes and this is what allows them to reach levels of play they never thought possible. It’s not magical, but it’s close.

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  1. What i found for me is the club needs to be in the fingers of the left hand and the palm of the trail hand as a right handed golfer. It changed my swing.

  2. The drill has changed my life. I’ve been struggling with grip and swing for a quite along time. Thank You!!!👍👍👍👍

  3. You can demonstrate each type, so one is more conducive to good shots or simply an option?

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