Golf Players

The Russell Wilson Trade One Year Later

The Russell Wilson Trade One Year Later



  2. I love playing the hypothetical. Do you think if the Giants had paid the lions' share for Russ and gotten him like a decent amount of fans wanted, do you think Daboll could've gotten a lot out of him? I'm in the boat of no, since it seems Russ is very set in his ways and not coachable.

  3. After this trade happened I thought the broncos would challenge the chiefs for the division.

  4. Yes; Russ and Denver will be above 500 next year. But, Seattle killed this trade. They have 10 picks in the draft, including two 1sts (5 and 20) and two 2nds (37 and 52). They have their QB and an above average offense. They have a chance to draft an awesome defense to go with it; and, if they're lucky, pick up a good center and guard. Fant, Lock and Harris will just add to the mix. They should make a deeper run in the play-offs.

  5. Geno smith came back from not playing at all for 9 years and then destroying in the nfl. I don’t understand why people don’t know what geno came back from.

  6. Sean Peyton I believe will help improve Wilson's game but I doubt he will return to form of the early years in SEA where he had the luxury of a top running offense and 4 years of the #1 D supporting his game. The past few seasons, there has been a incremental decline going back 3 years with each season being worse than the previous one. Wilson wants too bad to be a pocket passer, holds on to the ball for too long which puts more pressure on his offensive line to protect him for longer. He had bad lines in SEA but his style actually made them look worse than they truly were. They were still bad lines but not as bad as he made them look.

  7. Now that we have our draft pick, all the best to Russ. Unless we somehow meet in the super bowl again 😤

  8. If this works out, wilson won the trade. Cause the saints wanted to trade for him & if that works out in Denver, then he won.

  9. Theyve been declining since their peak years? Uh… yeah… thats what happens once u peak… u decline.

  10. I watched every game of his career in Seattle and was ready for him to leave a couple seasons ago. 100% annoying every time he opens his mouth…

  11. Payton mentioned before even interviewing for the job how he would fix Russ. Russ will be back to normal

  12. Jamal Adams first season with us alone was worth 1 first rounder…. we've been to the playoffs TWICE in the 4 years since the trade, the Jets still havent.

    We made the playoffs on a rebuilding year with one of our best defensive players out for the year. Now we have 2 firsts and 2 seconds. Some cap space to be had even with a Geno contract, and Adams coming back. We can easily draft Tyree Wilson, sign a DT/NT, draft another DT/NT in Day 2, get a linebacker in Round 2, and be good.

  13. This year will be interesting for the Broncos. Can the new coach and Russ coexist. Payton has pretty much a timing passing system. Russ is more of a wait for a guy to be open and then throw. Early in his career he could run around and extend plays, now he has lost a step and defenses have adapted to his strengths. Take away the deep ball, stop the run, and keep Russ in the pocket and he struggles. We saw that the last couple years in Seattle

  14. Russell Wilson is washed up. The best you can hope for from him at this point in his career is to be average.

  15. Seattle has not released the curse on Russel. He most likely will not play well next season. There is just too much negative energy being thrown at him now.

  16. I think the issue comes down to the fact that Russell Wilson is not a pocket passer. He folds under pressure and constantly breaks open the pocket to try and extend the play. This can be shown quite clearly as to why he has so many sack, you play high risk high reward quarterback play, you're gonna get sacked more.

    This was all fine and dandy when he was in his twenties and even early thirties, but the hits stacked up. Correct me if I'm wrong but he missed a start for the first time in his career after that hand injury in 2021 with the Seahawks. And with his many injuries in Denver, his time in the league is starting to stack against him as injuries keep stacking up.

    All that to lead to the fact that Russell Wilson can't be Russell Wilson much longer. He's getting slow, getting caught from behind trying to extend the play and make something happen rather than going to quick routes to get easy yards, every play he seems to be going for the home run. If Russell Wilson wants to keep playing and put up the stats he did in his 10 years with the Seahawks, he's got to change into a pocket passer to do so, and that isn't a side to Russ we've seen.

    If he can do that, great, he's got more time in the league with a great franchise to lead to victory, but if he keeps playing the way he's playing, the clock is ticking faster than he thinks.

  17. Russel Wilson 2025 – 2028 Cap +55 Million each year. You are virtually guaranteed to not win a Super Bowl, even if Russel was good.

  18. NEWSBREAK: Pete Carroll and the Seahawks have finalized plans to have Dave Chappell to announce the draft picks they got from Denver. After each he will shout, "GOTCHA BITCH!"

  19. russet wilson isn't drew brees. he isn't even drew lock. sean payton isn't there to resurrect wilson's career, he's there to steer denver out of the wilson mistake.

  20. This trade is on par with the hershal walker trade! 😁 Thanks Russ let's ride!!!! LMFAO

  21. Russ and drew play literally nothing alike even now when Russ wants to attempt to be a pocket passer.

  22. 1) GENO came back from sucking ass, being BENCHED and DISRESPECTED, to being a pro bowler, leading NFC in touchdowns and the whole NFL in completion percentage.

    2) “Russell will have 30 TDS and 4k yards”… lol no. He won’t be Geno smith level elite. He’s immobile now, which means when he holds the ball way too long (because he sucks at making reads and can’t see over the offensive line) like he always has, he now can’t escape and play backyard ball anymore which is why he was successful. ALSO, Russell has LOST his deep ball. Look at the numbers. He can’t throw a perfect rain drop in the bucket anymore. His deep ball and chicken ball made him into a serious threat in the NFL for years. He has lost both of those things. He has lost confidence in his whole team and got expose in front of the world. Pete Carroll was always the real chef. Russell Wilson is a back up quarterback at best now.

    HE ASKED FOR THIS TRADE me tried to get Carroll and Schneider fired. How has that worked out? Look at them and look at Russ.

    Maybe reaping what he sowed in stealing money from cancer kids with a little over 20% of the money raised for his criminal organization 😅 i mean uh… uh… “chaaarity” actually going to the CANCER KIDS.

    It’s sad. It’s downright #Pathetic. But that’s how his legacy will end. Started great, ended with a nuclear bomb created by himself.

  23. Geno was a top 5 QB in most major statistical categories except yards were he was 8th. I’d say closer to top 5 than 10 but good video though

  24. Russ is a timing quarterback. That is what made his deep ball so deadly in Seattle, he will be back if he can get in rhythm. Sean may not be the right guy, Brees is a quick firing short range QB, Russ had the best deep ball till Kyler Murray.

  25. As a Seattle fan, I do think Russ will bounce back. I hope he does too, just from a sentimental stance.

  26. What did Geno come back from? Fuck. Off.

    He came back from being a bench warmer for the past decade despite the hopes of a promising career. Not only did he regain a starting QB position, but he came back in spectacular fashions leading a team expected to get 4 wins max, to a winning season and playoff appearance.

    His situation is defined by the CPOY award and absolutely deserved it.

  27. So you say Russell Wilson declined a "tiny bit" last year? You're kidding me. The Russell Wilson trade will go down in history as the worst trade since the Vikings traded for Herschel Walker, and made the Dallas Cowboys win several Super Bowls. Broncos GM George Paton made a huge error for the ridiculous contract before Russell Wilson ever threw a pass in a Denver uniform.

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