Golf Babe

Wanna flush the ball like the Pro’s… ?!? ✨ #shorts #golf #golfgirl #golfdrill

I practised this drill a lot the other day and really liked it so thought I’d share with you (as it helped me with feels A LOT)!

This drill basically helps you understand how to get into a better impact position so you’ve got a good amount of shaft lean (and no scooping!!) If you scoop, you’ll end up with a weak impact position that ends up adding loft to the face of the club and therefore results in a loss of power and consistency.

The Drill:

1. Grab a 6 or 7 iron
2. Set up normally
3. Get into your desired impact position (you want hands ahead of the ball, forward shaft lean, body rotation)
4. Take a half swing (this is important!! We’re really trying to practice the feels here!)
5. Try and make sure you get back into that desired impact position

It might feel kinda weird if you’re used to scooping / casting, and you might see your ball flight is a little lower.

What I would say is, try and do this move SLOWLY so you can really start to learn and understand the feels and get comfortable with this impact position feeling.

As you get more comfortable, go back and set up in your normal address position and take a swing, making sure to get back into that desired impact position you’ve been practising.

Filming yourself REALLY helps so I’d defo recommend that!!

Disclaimer: I’m not a coach or a Pro, I’m just someone sharing their golf journey and the tips and tricks they’ve learnt along the way that have helped me improve the most.


  1. Do you wanna know what’s crazy? I’m gonna get roasted in the comments for this, but I don’t care I was on the range and this college golfer walked up to me and she said if you’re ever out here again try practicing barefoot and I just laughed at her and like three days later I go out there it’s about 6 o’clock in the evening time sun is barely going down and I’m the only one out there I try it and when I tell you I was pouring my irons and wedges. It was amazing. I just remembered that feeling, two days later I played and I broke 80 for the first time. I cannot explain it wherever that young lady is in life I just want to tell her thank you.

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