Golf Babe

Get Ridiculous Ball Striking Contact with This Simple Drill

If you want to learn how to improve golf ball striking, you need to first understand what is causing poor golf ball contact in the first place. In this golf lesson, Todd Kolb shows us one of his favorite golf ball striking drills to help you get better contact on the course!

Learn more about the Vertical Line Swing here:

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  1. No. You can actually make good strike from standing on your rear leg at contact. It does not matter.

  2. I noticed your stance seems closed to the ball, when should your stance be square, open, and closed to the ball? I'm a new golfer and assumed that you always wanted to be square to the ball. Thanks.

  3. Looks good Todd , William from Glasgow ‘ golfing tomorrow will give this tip a try as I nearly always lean back 🏌️‍♀️

  4. pgh pa .. tendency to stay on back foot with driver .. okay with irons … carry driver about 230 to 240 ..

  5. I enjoy your videos. I can't seem to increase my. club head speed enough to gain more yardage. I'm 73 years old, been playing since I was a teen and although I am hitting my drives straight consistently, I am only hitting 170-180 0ff the tee. Amy suggestions?

  6. Thanks for sharing this information! As I get fatigued later in the round I tend to leave my weight on my back foot causing fat, chunky shots. I need to make this weight transfer a “muscle memorized “ part of my swing.
    I’m a frequent visitor to your videos and as a 66 year old I appreciate the content you have for “experienced golfers” 😉. (Jon from SE Michigan )

  7. Great instruction Todd, thank you!! Wondering if this weight forward lesson also applies for drivers and Fairway Woods?

  8. Going to the driving range to practice this! Thanks for the easy to implement instruction. You are entertaining as well as informative!

  9. I'm in AR. Our driving range has concrete pads with mats. I really appreciate your videos, especially those with tips for us experienced(senior) golfers.
    This whole weight on the lead foot is so spot on. My ball contact is so much better when I can finish on my lead foot. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. My finish is so often abbreviated, and I don't often finish with my hips open to the target. Maybe a flexibility issue?

  10. Hi Todd , I'm tring your technique to get my knees to touch and my swing felt great but I very stiff in my hips as I rotate. Are there any exercises/stretches you recommend for better flexibility for a more 'Experienced' golfer (read senior)…..
    Thanks Brad
    Melbourne Australia

  11. You're doing this completely wrong. I've been playing golf for just over 2 years and have managed to get my handicap down from 25 to 20 and what you need to do is not over think your swing. Focus on hitting it as hard as possible and the swing then looks after itself. Keep things simple and you can't go wrong. Best wishes, Johnny Muscles

  12. What is causing me to hit off the toe with my irons ? From South Florida. I have new irons and I scotch tape the toe of my irons so as to not scratch or mar my expensive clubs. HELP Todd !

  13. I I have been away from Golf for 18 months due to heart problems I am now coming back and I am flipping it horribly even resulting on being a right handed player resulting in bruises on the bottom of my right arm up from my wrist about 4 inches what the hell am I doing

  14. I appreciate the content. This is my problem. Club lag and shaft lean. I live in Kentucky and my biggest deterrent from practice time is my job. I am so ready for retirement and more golf time.

  15. Not sure if I am 100% correct in this but Adam Baselgette off Golf Fanatics insists that that you must deloft the club (flip it) I practice this a lot and it really does give you a longer shot. My question in relation to this is if you deloft the club does it cause the ball to go left? I seem to be able to get a better strike on the ball but 3 times out of 10nI have a tendency to pull the ball left . Not a hook but left of the target just the same

  16. I'm working on my pitching wedge in Ashland, VA. I've got a lesson tomorrow and I plan to try shifting my weight to my lead leg as you suggest!! Wish me luck…no…wish me skill instead. Thanks for the videos!!

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