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The Baddest Man On The Planet – Jon Jones | Documentary 2023 by Votesport

35-year-old Jones is unbeatable both in the octagon and against the twists of fate. He is once again a step away from the throne, this time in the royal division. What better time to revisit the chronicles of domination and self-destruction by a fighter who has never lost to anyone but himself.


  1. Best times in ufc period especially for that division those dudes were all incredible talented fighters and it was amazing what jon did for real i remember sitting by the tv watching those battles go down and man they were so violent 205 back then for yrs was nuts

  2. Currently laughing my ass off at everyone who thought Gane would stop Jones 💀

  3. Now he's a champ once again for the fifth time. You can't have it all but this dude is the 🐐 of MMA🤤

  4. Dude they should really call that loss a No Contest instead of a L. Matt Hammil had a snowballs chance in hell.

  5. great fighter but eye pokes fingers in the eyes. hi greatness is owed in part to his lack of plaing fair. someone that good but still needs to cheat. has no respect for the sport

  6. JJ money is for lawyer and jail bill. American lawyer and legal sys knew how to take easy money from this guy. he remind me of Mike Tyson. Maybe he even worse than Mike. His character is violent. So he always end up in jail.

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