Golf Babe

Caravan – Golf Girl

Metropolis Studios, London, December 4th 2010. Studio A measures 98 square metres and contains six musicians, a five man film crew and 120 fans. This equation adds up to one electric performance for Canterbury’s finest — Caravan.
Pye Hastings, Geoffrey Richardon, Jim Leverton, Jan Schelhaas and new drummer Mark Walker are joined by retired percussionist and founder member Richard Coughlan to deliver an accomplished set that includes many favourites from their 25 album, 40+ year career.
Available on CD/DVD and to download.

Download the album of this performance on iTunes :
Buy the album on Amazon :
Listen to the album on Spotify :


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  1. Geoffrey must have been with the band for several decades by now, but he still looks like some kind of newcomer. Maybe because he plays mainly the fiddle which Cavaran did not use to have. He is also a very fine guitarist as well who aught to pick one up more often than he chooses to. Pye can play lead perfectly fine but he always looks more comfortable either playing rhythm or sitting in the audience. I would also suggest that if they wish to carry on playing live, they should get themselves a specialist vocalist to better emulate the vocals of Richard Sinclair. If they are interested I could do it and would be happy to do so for sweet bugger all.

  2. Consummate musicians still able to knock out a classic and looking like they are really having fun whilst doing it. So inspiring!

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