Golf Players


With the trade deadline and the Stanley Cup Playoffs quickly approaching, the BarDown team states their biggest surprises for every single NHL team. What’s your biggest surprise from this season so far?


  1. I’m here to send an alert Gibson has not been bad that poor man gets 50 shots a night, what is he supposed to do, he’s the only reason why the duck aren’t last.

  2. Shit talking Brock Nelson just shows how incredibly underrated he is 😅😅😅

  3. Montreal's biggest surprise is our rookie d core looking better than expected already. Suzuki getting the C wasn't too surprising tbh. It was either him or Gallagher.

  4. Such disrespect for the Islanders. Gonna be screen capping this for when they upset a top seed in the first round and go on another run.

  5. What’s really crazy about the kraken is that they have 13 players over 25pts

  6. As a panthers fan Jesse is spot on. Did not like the Paul Maurice hire and it shows. The panthers are a team right now that just can’t get on a winning streak, we’ve had one 3 game win streak this season

  7. Bruins most surprising is
    A. Not losing like at all this year
    B. Ullmark is a God now
    C. Trade Deadline signings going hard

  8. Corwin: larkin is pretty much guaranteed not to resign
    detroit: and i took offense to that signs larkin to 8 year deal

  9. What is up with corwin making these guaranteed statements that never pan out. Larkin just resigned yesterday.

  10. Jesse is definitely a closeted Vegas fan.

    No one feels the need to constantly mention how much they hate a team unless they secretly like that team.

  11. Panthers fan here and Maurice is definitely one of the coaches of all time. They brought him in to “fix our powerplay and other issues from last year” and nothing was fixed if anything it’s all worse. Our pk sucks our pp is not any better and we lose every game we should win and win every game we should lose. It makes no sense oh and we outshoot most of the teams we play and make backup goalies look like vezina winners because for some reason we can’t find the back of the net but we shoot 40+ times in most of our games

  12. Arizona is obviously the best team in the league! They’re the only team this season to beat Boston, Toronto, Carolina, Tampa, Vegas and Colorado all in regulation! 😂

  13. As a habs fan! Ghule is my biggest surprise… being our best defenseman as a 21 years old. When he got injured is when mtl started to lose.

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