David Leadbetter Has 4 Steps to Stop Pop-up Drives Off the Tee | Golf Tips | Golf Digest

Golf instructor David Leadbetter has 4 steps for stopping pop-up drives off the tee.

Simple reason amateurs pop up their tee shots
is because they aim down on the ball too much.
And the whole key, certainly with the driver,
is that you learn to hit the ball
slightly on the up swing, to sweep the ball away.
Now step one to eliminate this problem of
hitting down on the ball and learning to sweep more
is to tee the ball further forward.
If you want to hit the ball on the up swing,
you want to make sure that the ball is contacted
just past the bottom of the arc.
Therefore, you’ve got to have the ball forward to start,
and pretty much off your left armpit
is the good guideline.
Now the second step is to get a wider base,
very important with a driver to have a solid foundation.
So widen your stance.
Now step three is you gotta make sure you get
behind the ball.
Get your shirt buttons on top of your right leg
at the top of the backswing.
That means you have a full turn plus a good weight transfer.
Now here’s the final step, step four.
To make sure you hit up on it,
you’ve gotta stay behind it.
That’s very important that your upper body
is behind the ball when you make contact with it,
so the club can actually pass you.
If the club passes you, you’re gonna hit
the ball on the up swing.
If you’re gonna hit it with your upper body,
you’ll be hitting the ball on the down swing.
So remember, keep your chest behind the ball,
keep your head behind the ball, it depends.

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David Leadbetter Has 4 Steps to Stop Pop-up Drives Off the Tee | Golf Tips | Golf Digest