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Why didn’t the Arizona Cardinals hire Eric Bieniemy? | Brother From Another

Mike Jones joins Brother From Another to offer his reaction to Eric Bieniemy getting passed over for a head coaching position yet again. #NBCSports #BrotherFromAnother #EricBieniemy
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Why didn’t the Arizona Cardinals hire Eric Bieniemy? | Brother From Another


  1. I seen that Jeff Saturday goodbye video to the colts fans and I was thinking like he act like he did something 🤷‍♂️

  2. Bieniemy gets no credit because everyone gives it to Andy Reid and Mahomes. He needs to go somewhere with a young QB.

  3. AZ N INDY didn’t hire Eric bienemy because he’s too good ? He is of color ? He is top best offensive coordinator for the last ? How many years.
    Whoever does hire him will get a great coach. I hope AZ N INDY CHOKE.
    Been to super bowl 3x won twice.

  4. These inexperienced NEW head coaches are just exposing themselves. Irsay has problems as a owner anyway in Indy. Who really wants to work for him.

  5. On September 27, 1993, Bieniemy was arrested in Boulder, Colorado, for allegedly harassing a female parking attendant. According to the police report, while with his friends, Bieniemy put his hand on the attendant's neck, startling her. She told police ," that Bieniemy and his friends took off their pants and began urinating

  6. How funny the victimhood/race card gets played solely because these guys don’t know why Bieniemy wasn’t given a head coaching job. Someone knows something, that’s pretty easy to see, but what it is and if that’s what’s preventing him from getting a head coaching job it completely unknown. Ignorance usually creates anger and frustration and this dude is ignorant because he has no idea about the guy so he’s taking his anger out on goodell and using race as the “fill-in”reason because nobody knows why and whoever does isn’t saying anything. Maybe he doesn’t want to be a head coach and would rather formulate game plans and call plays. Or maybe he, and likely others, know that he just doesn’t have the personality to be the face of a team, be able to inspire players to get the best out of them, deal with media or other tasks a head coach has to be able to do to be successful. It just might not be a good fit for his personality type and that’s it. Sometimes people know who they are, what they want and they can’t change who they are or act like someone else for any amount of money. But hey, maybe I’m way off too and it’s something totally different but it doesn’t matter to me and I’m not a race baiter or someone who will speculate just to come out with a take when no real information is available. I’ll wait until facts come out to make opinions and that also may never happen which is just fine. Why should he say anything either. It’s his business and maybe people should just respect that instead of trying to use him and the next victim of racism or the next first black head coach of “insert team” which all promote the victimhood by racism narrative that he may not even agree with himself. Anyway just a few things to think about while we wait to find out why he’s not a head coach. I hope you try to use facts and not assume or use personal beliefs in stories you cover in the future because it really makes you look 2nd class by jumping to conclusions with zero supporting information.

  7. Jerry Jones gave the game away in a Washington post article, he said “we hire who we are comfortable with”.

  8. I say again…Until the African American players and African American fans make a real stand through protest and boycott…NOTHING will change in the NFL…However…EB should either go to a NFL team with a defensive minded coach as an OC or he should go to a college or university to run their offense…Bethune-Cookman University is currently in need of an OC after the Ed Reed crisis…Even in 2023…it's unfortunate…but African American people still have to "do twice as much to be considered just as good "…Big Daddy and Big Mama would say this all the time…

  9. I’m not saying people don’t deserve a second chance, but Bieniemy has two big strikes. First is hes the OC under the best offensive HC in the last 20 years and the best QB, you’ll never get the credit there. Second, and this is the one no one is talking about is his numerous run ins with the law, including assault against women and law enforcement.

    These owners are not touching that with a ten foot pole.

  10. I worked for a mattress store chain years ago. They would present a bad performing store to black managers as a opportunity to prove themselves and make like it is a opportunity. But present that same store to white managers as a punishment. Then if the black/hispanic turned that store into positive? Pull them out and put in a white manager. NFL in a nutshell.

  11. Bienemy refused to interview for the Cardinals HC Job 4 years ago. Why would we ask him again?!?!?!

  12. Hope ppl realize that Bieniemy doesn’t call plays so nobody knows his real potential maybe bring him on as a OC to actually CALL plays and see what he’s really about

  13. Unsurprisingly, billionaire white owners still have a problem with black leadership in a predominantly black league. The NFL simply parallels our society.

  14. That's a good damn question. I guess number one is flat out STUPIDITY. Arizona like Cleveland routinely makes MORONIC moves. Bieniemy and Murray is both a bullseye and a LAYUP. So you can't say it was a football decision. It is either brain damage or . . .

  15. You guys sound like a bunch of whiney babies… always bringing up color of skin when you don't get what you want. You don't hear people complain about that 70+ percent of the NFL have Black players… Oh, and having a Black national Anthem is f..king disgusting in which that song was written for President Lincoln on his birthday ,and Our Nation's Anthem is for all Americans. Stop trying to separate and divide our country. You 3 idiots are woke nut jobs with your idiot token white guy.

  16. EB has assaulted a woman and a firefighter, was arrested for bar fighting, and has a DUI amongst other things. Y’all make no mention of that though. When you have a rap sheet and others don’t, you’re not getting the job. It’s not about race you pussies.

  17. NOTHING has changed. NOTHING will change. If NFL owners wanted to change the status quo they would have chosen to have Black owners among them. ' We will settle for a White woman, or an Asian man but NOT a Black man'. THAT is all you need to know.

  18. You fire a Charlotte native who took a team with out a quarterback. Frank Reich, nice fellow but not nearly as accomplished as Jim Caldwell whose his assistant? Like huh. In 5 years Frank Reich couldn't get a rookie ready to take a snap.

  19. Are you kidding me on what Shane accomplished that Byron Leftwich didn’t??? Spoken like someone who has no clue about what happened in Tampa. Leftwich in his only season having free reign to calls plans and run an office ran Tampa (w/Brady) into the ground. No ability to change game plans or account for changed personal. And if Leftwich was so great then why don’t colleges even want him? Shane on the other hand turned Hurts into a total beast.

    Bienemy is like Bruce Arians. He doesn’t play politics or tell you what you want to hear. That turns people off. Can’t say it’s only because he’s black when other black coaches were hired over him. It took Bruce a long time to get a job and that even after filling in for Pogano so well. Eric will get his time and if he’s good some team is going to be really lucky.

    My bet is on Tampa in 2024

  20. The cardinals coaching staff is all white. And Kyler approved of this smh. Got another Deshun Watson on their hands. Trade him now

  21. Only in the NFL…..where 2 SB loser coordinators get HC jobs. While the winning coordinators get nothing i.e Bienemy

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