Malaska Golf // Offset Momentum to Flow – Your Golf Swing is a Constant Motion

In the Invisible Swing, I talk about directing momentum and how you use your body to push away from the club at every point in your golf swing. This concept reinforces the idea that your swing is not a set of positions that you have to get into in order to hit the ball. Your swing is a constant flow. It’s an athletic movement that uses ground force to put energy into the golf ball.

Don’t just play golf. Understand it.

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  1. Dear MIke, thank you for your great teaching videos. You have brought back the pleasure of golf for me. Keep up the great work!

  2. I play discgolf and as soon as I realized the arm is the club and gave my brain the right task it all clicked. No more trying to get the body in various positions in the right order, and definitely no more pulling (which is the mainstream teaching clue). The disc just shoots out and all I need to focus on is "directing the momentum" in the right direction, and positioning my body to get the right angle of the disc. Thank you so much for that!

    As for what I'm feeling: it's the exact same thing how I'm constantly pushing away. But the joints need to be loose so they bend on the forward swing (elbow and wrist for the discgolf backhand). The only problem I find when saying "pushing away from the club" (or the arm in my case) is that it might make people lock their joints. The club has to lag behind, not because you twist ahead of it, but because of the mass and the lever lengths, just like a pendulum. I still feel like the swing happens in front of me even though (in my case) the forearm folds, and there's tension/connection through my upper back and lats from resisting collapse. I also feel like I start moving/swinging forward just before the backswing has fully completed, sort of how you are ahead of the motion of a playground swing. But just like a playground swing you can't just lean backward at an arbitrary point in time at full angle (sort of like how trying to get in x-y-z positions at times 1-2-3 does not work). You have to sort of time it progressively more and more, but the motion is very natural once you give the brain the right task.

    For both sports dropping the club/disc and letting your arms hang loose, just letting them swing and then start using your body to accelerate them, letting the joints fold and unfold, I think is the way to start. Or for golf maybe use something similar to a club in length, like a bat or something heavier, but anything other than a golf club to break the pattern. How exactly to use the legs you will easily figure out without worrying about body positions.

  3. Very difficult to "feel" these forces in motion. All the muscles just seem to fire naturally hard to define when they are working properly. The concept is great and makes sense maybe I just need to get a bucket half filled with water and swing it around me with a rope, trying to stay dry. That's as close as I can come to a physical activity that would have the same kind of force balancing.

  4. Excellant tip. Live in Surprise Az. Is there a swing coach you can recommend on this side of the valley?

  5. Offsetting forces. Martin Ayers began talking about this years ago and shared on YouTube. Steve Elkington hijacked the information from both Martin and Mike Maves (Savam1) and tried without success to market Secret in the Dirt. Always enjoy Mike's instruction.

  6. Mike,
    you explained this with a good visual before when you were swinging what I believe was a bucket of balls, but can't remember.

  7. I've been a member of your site from day one and you continue to perfect your online teaching. This is the best I've seen you explain the full swing!

  8. I was watching the Olympic hammer throw competition … that’s an extremely counter-balanced motion. Can that be compared to a golf swing?

  9. What’s interesting to me is that if you focus on this momentum thing with the lower body, you can forget about what’s happening with the hands, arms and club. Once I get to the top and totally relax my arms, shoulders and wrists, all I think about as the club comes down is the weight shift and allowing my left leg to push my left butt cheek back and out of the way. If I do that right and sync it with my falling arms, the club drops into the slot and whips through impact with no conscious effort or thought on my part. Pretty amazing…

  10. Is there a good drill that I can do safely at home during this pandemic to improve my swing? It has been months since the lock down started. Thanks Mike!

  11. Ive been a member of MM website for about 3 yrs now. playing the best golf ever since I started in the early 90s. Great work MM!

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