Golf Babe


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GOLF DE BELLE DUNE PART 4 watch the gang as they continue their tour of Northern France, Mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru, Coach Lockey PGA Professionals, Rory YGT, plus special guest Dan Hendriksen PGA Professional battle it out in a 4BBB matchplay format.

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  1. Love it how mark tries roasting dan but its just water off ducks back haha, shankmypro?

  2. Poor Dan takes control of the camera, adds some concise and informative commentary, but no one is listening- too busy heckling and bickering!

  3. Jeez , there’s no Etiquette with these guys, lose a ball and you’re on your own looking!

  4. As I watch Rory's pre-shot routine, I'm wondering if his last move to where he reaches out towards the ball adversely affects his swing accuracy.

  5. I'd like to stake my claim for ownership of the toe shank. I've been hitting those unexpectedly for years before this video!

  6. Love Dan being involved nice to hear Rory giving him the gears. Rounds out the group nicely!

  7. I’ve been watching Rory play golf now for a few years and feel that if he wants to improve off his true 17 handicap down to something decent like 6 or 7 he needs to judge his wedges better. The amount of times it’s “what’s the yardage – er 130 yards” and what are you hitting – “a 50 degree” we all know it will be 25-30 yards short and it always is!!! Take a 9 iron for heavens sake and put it on the green.

  8. Mark making that big right to left putt then Lockey walking it in immediately after was reminiscent of Reed vs McIlroy at the last Ryder Cup. No prizes for guessing who is who though…..

  9. Cotach if you ever come to Australia please get a lesson off Gary Edwin.
    Just give him a search you’ll know what I am talking about a soon as you do it.

  10. Hahaha i mentioned dans bmw. Comments are always right! But I’m sure you were fully aware I was being sarcastic. It’s nice to know my comments get read

  11. If the flag is crooked, but leaning away, you can leave it where it is or you can put it properly in the hole to straighten it up, but you can't lean it away.

  12. Mark, you seemed particularly testy on this video. Why so mad, bro'? Begging for a 4' gimme for Raymond? Please.

  13. This set of vlogs has been brilliant. Far be it for a high handicapper like me to say this, but Ray has a great swing but seems to screw it up at the end. You all have a great swing and balance, but Ray sets up perfectly, stance is nice, in balance etc just like the rest of you, and then he goes to address the ball, leaves his feet where they were, bends the knees and leans out to the ball. Now he's reaching a little, and despite a great swing, any variable is making him flail a little and toe/top it for his bad shots. Just an observation, but I think he just needs to watch himself on this vlog and see how well balanced he is just before he addresses the ball and how that is damaged by the squat and reach. Again, I'm a high handicapper, I couldn't beat him, he's way better than me, I shouldn't comment, but that's what I'm seeing.

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