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#1 in the World at Gun Violence: America’s Crippling Addiction to Guns | The Dan LeBatard Show

Hour 1: “What is a Dynasty”

John Woodrow Cox of the Washington Post joins the show to discuss his reporting on gun violence in America. He discusses the latest shooting at Michigan State, why our laws don’t evolve much, money in the gun lobby, and why we need to start looking more holistically at who the victims of gun violence are. Then, Stugotz refuses to call the Chiefs a dynasty, Tony’s Top 19 Quarterbacks, Roy’s Top 5 sports goats, and the future of Kyler Murray.

#1 in the World at Gun Violence: America’s Crippling Addiction to Guns | Wednesday | 02/15/2023 | The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugotzamerica


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  1. Ever since Dan married the barback/escort this show has put wokeness over funny…..the downfall of a great show

  2. some of your best content comes from billie on wednesdays giving a play by play of mad dog n stephen a smith on first take wtf is wrong with you all?again i dont see it starting to question your intelligence DAN

  3. Jesus, that list by Tony has me wondering if Tony has CTE. Pretty sure he just tossed names in a bucket and drew out some. How embarrassing.

  4. Well there's no way that it could be the prison system releases violent offenders while keeping non violent offenders in prison…. I mean it couldn't be that at all… There would be plenty of room to keep guys like this if they just released all the non violent drug offenders. But hey what would politicians then claim they're gonna fix while they're running for office right

  5. Stugotz railing against the Chiefs is really just becoming irritating and flies in the face of all things factual. I'd rather he not say a word any time the Chiefs are mentioned than keep recycling this lazy nonsense. Please lay this take to rest and move on.

  6. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -Constitution of the United States of America

  7. Man I remember Columbine, I was in High School. I had a job, Graduated, and join the Marine Corps. Nothings going to change ya goofballs. Stay PC and don't use real words, that might hurt your sensitive friend, Ah Hyuck This message was brought to you by Bacon. Bacon, put the crispy delicious Pig Meat in your mouth, Mmmm BACON 😉

  8. And J is not even paying attention. Kudos to Whitty! If it was on tic tok she’d be all over it

  9. As a teacher who grew up in the lockdown generation and witnessed, I personally remember each of the big shootings from the late 2000s and the entire 2010s. There's no greater fear for me than if something happened to any of my students. I stress more during a lockdown drill than anything else I'm frustrated that nothing has been done at all in the years since Sandy Hook primarily due to money. Citizens United was truly the death knell for progress on gun control, we absolutely need to get money out of politics.

    I remember that my teachers told me that my generation would be the one to fix things and make them better but now as I sit on the other side of that desk I feel like I'm lying when I tell my students that. We need to do better period for ourselves and our futures.

  10. The bar for a dynasty is SUPPOSED to be in the sky. Just being really good every year for a long stretch isn't a dynasty. A dynasty is about defending a championship day after day, month after month, year after year, opponent after opponent, that's what makes you the BEST!

  11. Kyler hurt Kyler. As usual it’s not his fault. And everyone is mean. He ain’t the victim he is the problem

  12. Joe Montana did play video games. The 49ers held their training camp at Santa Clara University during his rookie season with the players staying in the dorms. I lived and worked in the area, and after work one night a group of us met at a pizza parlor across the street from SCU. Montana was inside with a few other 49ers playing video games and one of my colleagues got his autograph; no one was impressed. I also recall a report that the dorms had video games as well, and that Dwight Clark was very good at Space Invaders. One might think that a couple of rookies would be studying their playbooks instead of goofing off, but that’s probably the reason neither of them ever amounted to much. Btw, the phenomenon that Chris Cote experienced of getting excited and spitting out all of his utility infielders before everyone else finished has a technical name, it’s called premature articulation.

  13. Dan, I appreciate the try. Let's be reactivate some more instead of proactive. Don't you have a daycare blackface debacle and a governor that's letting EVERYONE carry guns. Let's clean up our own backyards bruh.

  14. Key true statement:. There are a handful of Americans in Congress that decide the outcome of gun legislation. We need to hold the parents accountable when their children show up at school with one of their guns.

  15. Someone let Dan know they are hawking Donald gold bars on the YouTube commercial breaks for this segment of the show.

  16. I'm not gonna call out the Cardinals or think that the contract leaking is something to have a great deal of pity for him. When Kyler himself came out and said he doesn't watch that much film. To Quote "I think I was blessed with the cognitive skills to just go out there and just see it before it happens" and "In my head I see so much". So to me no wonder they are trying to force him to watch more film. Raw athletic ability will only get you so far especially when your legs start to decline. Murray thinking he's so good that watching more film isn't gonna help is kind of arrogant. Imagine how much better you can be with those physical traits if you put in the work before the game. Just look at all the great QB's you didn't have anywhere near the level of tools Kyler has yet were elite just due to watching a ton of film.

  17. It just happened again in El Paso yesterday. Until people in power cut the shit and get serious about gun legislation, this is gonna keep happening.

  18. The term “gun violence” is two words. Maybe we should focus on the violence a little more. The guns are a tool, an inanimate object.

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