EVERY GOLFER Can use Jon Rahm’s Downswing Transition Golf Move

Downswing and transition for effortless golf swing power and consistency Like Jon Rahm, The U.S Open champion has a key move that the best golfers do and it’s an easy transition golf swing move.

In this video, we’re going to show you a downswing transition golf move that EVERY GOLFER can do to increase their speed and effortless power during their golf swing.

This golf swing transition move is simple and easy to do, and will help you increase your speed and power while you’re golfing. If you’re looking to add a little extra speed and power to your golf swing, then watch this video and learn how to do the downswing transition golf move!

If you are wondering how to start a golf downswing, this will help you a lot. If you want more golf swing speed even with a golf swing for seniors you can too especially with a short backswing.

He has a short backswing and produces fast swing speeds. You can to even if you are a senior golf, with the right golf swing sequence and transition that is through the ball rather than at it, your will be less focussed on backswing positions and more on the downswing and golf swing release.

So if if you want to hit consistent irons shots and increase golf swing speed, this simple move with the feet will transform your swing.

The key move after you have done an efficient short backswing and wind up the core, with flow.

As mentioned in this lesson, this is the backswing feel you want.
Stop Trying To Make A Backswing Turn | WIND Up Your Golf Swing Like THIS

Now, you want to allow the heel to raise just a little.

When you almost complete your backswing, you have to start the downswing transition before you complete it by sending your energy and intent back to the through swing by planting the heel back down.

This will help weight shift and a good transition that is natural and effortless golf swing power. This is what John Rahm does in his golf swing very well plus his rotation and swing speed helps of course.

But you will find this helps to clear the hips and sling the club through.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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Let us know what you think in the comments below! 👇




  1. Brilliant tip. This zeros in on my main problem, clearing my hips naturally. I don't always commit and flip a little. This feels great , many thanks Alex, much appreciated

  2. That is amazing It is exactly what I need. Simple and effective . Fluidity and effortless ***

  3. Alex I like the instructions but I have found the contrary in my swing. If I lift my heel it’s bad news, I over rotate and sway. I just think it’s a little more to it if you do it got to do it correctly. Most of us will lock the lead leg out too early. Your swing you have it right you still have some flection in the lead leg. Early extension is due to locking the lead leg out before impact

  4. This left heel raising on backswing and then planting it down first on the delivery swing sets up a perfect body movement through the ball and creats power and perfect ball striking through the finish. It also takes care of tempo and any bad down swings thoughts I have been doing just by first planting that left foot down first on the delivery swing. Genius, it works really well for me. Everything seems to fall right into place and all I really have to do to start my down swing is think about just planting that left foot down and everything else seems to fall right into place awesome. Thanks

  5. the key here is you have to swing your arms through super fast of you will be cleared and open with the club still at waste level

  6. I like the channel. I’m struggling with the “wrists soft” but arms straight feel

  7. I use this move. At the top of my backswing I open my hands to feel the club head start to drop. Then upon my left thigh and the hips follow.

  8. The foot plant is my trigger that sends me on the downswing . The whip comes from my exterior rotation of my right elbow which puts it in the right position in front of my hip instead of intentionally dropping my elbow in front of my right hip and this flattens my swing. The result is I feel the club pull me through

  9. How does one maintain soft wrists if you are firing to hood the club (I fight a push fade)?

  10. can you speak once and hit the ball so we can learn through watching your hit.. it helps more then you keep talking. thanks.

  11. Wow!! This makes so much sense. I am definitely going to try lifting my left heel. You make it look so simple & I love❤ your accent.😁

  12. Great stuff..always felt like I never come thru the ball….Funny Harvey Penick most important drill in golf bring down right elbow to right chest while transferring weight to left heel.

  13. Slight lateral shift? Surely not. Was told not to ‘sway’. More of turn with the back leg solid? Any shift should be forward in the downswing and contact.

  14. Alex

    This the ahhha moment for me!
    Planting the left keel down and turning. The key word is PULLING the left hip towards
    8 clock, for a right-handed player. Now I know where Rahm is getting his POWER from.
    PULLING his left hip around to the left. This is the item I've been missing.
    I was pushing my left foot pressure straight up, with minimal rotation.
    I can't thank you enough. Your the BEST!!!

  15. nice! a great drill. i saw a video once on hitting a 3 wood. the feel was that you are hitting into your left foot for a right hander. it feels the same, the idea is to flow into the left side, and down. both drills are great follow flow.

  16. My old swing coach actually taught me basics of this and Jon Rahm’s swing and it’s been my basics for my short swing ever since! Very powerful and simple for my body.

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