Golf Players

Swing Up (or) Swing Down? The debate is settled! Talking Baseball Swing Plane w/ MLB Hitting Coach

Should you swing up or swing down in the baseball swing? Jacob Cruz, MLB Hitting Coach, settles the debate. Be sure to check out the Line Drive Pro at the link below:

LineDrivePro Swing Trainer

#baseball #linedrive #swingplane


  1. Great video John, that is probably my son Landry’s single favorite training aid. So simple to use and instant feedback.

  2. You want to get the bat on plane for as long as possible. The pitcher releases the ball from high on top of the mound and the strike zone is less than half that height so it's naturally going to be coming downhill. In order to get on that plane you need to have a slight uppercut.

  3. “Increase the margin of error”!

    Mean decrease the margin of error?

    It’s commonly accepted amongst most reasonable swing coaches and hitting coaches (there’s a difference) that your swing goes down to go up.

    It’s not that simple and there’s way more to it but that is the overall generally accepted way.

  4. The line drive hitter device – can one place the tennis ball down, swing the bat, and then the ball comes off? Attempting to ask what I am thinking is not easy, but how would a kid know where to grip the bat handle in relation to the ball securement attachment?

  5. Up, up, up. That's is a truism taught by Ted Williams and remains astrue today as when he said it in the 1960s.
    Ideally you want your swing travelling the same number of degrees up that the pitch is moving down. In order to get lift you want to change the contact point on the ball. Resist trying to change the switch ng plane. If you want the ball to go up, then aim a little bit below the center of the ball. If you want to put the ball on the ground, then aim a little bit higher than the equator. Think of billiards. Hitting the ball at the center(equator) makes the ball go straight. Anything to one side or another makes it go the opposite way. BTW, this is a great product that really helps teach a kid how to stop casting. Staying inside the ball is also Swinging 101.

  6. Had a signed bat by Jacob Cruz as a kid and ended up using it to play because I didn’t understand what I had lol sorry dude

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