Golf Players


In this excerpt from my new episode of Mr. Hogan starring Jim McLean, he shares 2 tips from Jackie Burke for oustanding driving.

You can watch the full episode soon on MSE TV!

The next MSE Intensive is March 25th and 26th, and I’m available for private lessons. Email for details!


  1. Great video on a great golfer and man. One of my favorite lessons is Mr Burke showing how his Dad taught him how to throw clubs to learn the proper release. That has trickled down to a number of kids I have coached over the years.

  2. « Jimmy Demaret and I had the best sports psychologist in the world. His name was Jack Daniels and he was waiting for us after every round. »

    Jack Burke, Jr.

    He also suggested that all golfers need to learn to putt before they learn to swing their club. I wished I took him up on that one.

    How soon can I look for your lesson with Jim M. on MSE TV ?

    Because of the discovery of Jim’s X factor I believe all great golfers have one thing in common: They all learn to swing with their behinds allowing their upper body with their lower body to follow the squeezing of their two buttocks together at the end of their swing, Cheers😃❤️👍⛳️🥂

  3. On behalf of all the losers, congratulations on winning Jim. America where dreams are nurtured and made real by people who cared about you. In Australia it was the complete opposite, hurry up and fail so we don't have to put up with you. What a difference in culture.

  4. Hey Christo I have an idea, your doing all these premium videos, why don't you approach the USPGA about doing collaborations of our living legends and promote the PGA on how they are trying to incentivize the game to keep it young and fresh, just a couple ideas I'm sure you could think of many more, jump while the iron is hot (Liv Tour), I believe you could up with many more ideas, from one latino to another . . . . te veré la próxima semana, amigo.

  5. I used to live in Houston and was a member at Champions from 1981 thru 1987. Mr. Burke was amazing. In 2013 I was in Houston to visit my brother -in-law and took my 10 year old grandson to see Champions. He was and still is an avid golfer. while there I took him back to Mr. Burke's office and he was there. He took his time to talk to both of us for about 15 minutes. He cannot thank him enough for the time he gave us. He always had time for the members of Champions.

  6. That was a great story, and good storytelling too. Bob Rotella mentions the hitting with full-abandon into a vast ocean in one of his books. Works for me. I love the feeling of 'not trying.' I always play better that way.

  7. Would love to get a lesson from Jim one day. Grew up watching him on Golf Channel

  8. Dear Christo, l have watched with interest your progress from the beginning, after you went to Greg things started to look up ,but it is a long road
    The great pity you did not get a chance to work with Ben Doyle , Greg's teacher
    He was a master teacher, not a coach or a tour player, there is a big difference
    He had a drill that would have upgraded you leg action in the finish that always bothered me with your action
    Ben would say its like having a big dog between your legs , you squeeze him in the back swing, let him run out on the down swing and try to catch his Tail in the finish!
    Another trick was to improve that fault , was his diper trick , holding both ends of a towel between your legs while you hit a shot , and standing to the left He insisted he could not be able to pull the towel out in the finish
    As both a pga tour player and teaching professional of 50 years here in Australia Ben changed my life and those of my students
    Very impressed with your work on getting the club to go level LEFT! Using the Pivot !!
    NOW the next Breakthrough is to be More LAWFUL !!
    STUDY LIDA Ko , she is the NEW HOGAN
    Best Regards

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