Golf Players

Tour-level Footwork: Step By Step Pro Footwork Based on 1,000 Pro Swings 👣

In today’s video, Mike Granato and Shaun Webb of Athletic Motion Golf show you how to have pro-level footwork in your golf swing. If you ever wondered how to place, control, and use footwork in your golf swing, then this is the video for you.

The video discusses the importance of proper footwork in golf and how it can improve distance and consistency in shots. Mike Granato and Shaun Webb break down the correct footwork for the setup, backswing, transition, and downswing, emphasizing the importance of moving the feet correctly in each phase of the swing. They use pressure mapping and visuals to demonstrate the proper distribution of weight on the feet and give tips on how to practice and improve footwork. They also offer a drill to help golfers improve their consistency.


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  1. To hit to the ball farther correct footwork must be achieved, as per your video. Of the 3 forces measured on pressure plates; torque, horizontal force and vertical force, which has the greatest effect on club head speed? Is the sequence of footwork described in your video the way the forces work in sequence? Torque first ( trail foot pressure starting the downswing). Horizontal force ( weight shifting to lead foot), then vertical force ( from front of lead foot to heal of lead foot). Or am I completely wrong assuming that?

  2. Hi guys! Great video! 16.7" from inside of heel to heel or center of heel mass to center of heel mass? Some designator like the balls or a bracket would visually help. Thank you!

  3. Question: When you're showing the pressure plate, there are different colors. When I look at the setup graphic, it's orange on the left foot but not on the right foot. This leads me to believe there is more weight on the left than on the right foot. It says it's 50/50 so the colors must mean something else?

  4. A lot of teachers advocate getting your weight to the inside of the back foot during the backswing. Can you comment on this a bit further.

  5. I subscribe and have enjoyed many of your videos. Thank you for the improvement in this video, please continue minimizing discussion and illustrations of what golfers do wrong. That provides absolute value and consumes precious minutes of my life. I watch your videos to learn what to do right. I have no interest in what other golfers do wrong. Cheers

  6. Can doing a small trail foot heel lift before taking the club back help with doing the initial shift away from the ball?

  7. Thanks for video guys. I'm socking some money away to eventually join your online community.

    In the 'finish' of the swing, should the majority of my weight be in the left heel (I'm a righty)? Or evenly distributed throughout the left foot?

  8. Loved this, I have a longer broad body and shorter arms and legs for my height. How does that affect my stance width? My instep is under my arm pits and if I go wider I feel like I can’t turn or move weight at all .

  9. Following your advice regarding camera setup. Please would you post a video? showing a good swing that I could copy from the same camera positions front view and down the line view.

  10. I really like your content! Not only it is spot on, but giving out concrete advice in drills to figure out ourselves, what you are implementing.

  11. Please add this content to your AMG + checkpoint 1 videos – it would have helped me understand the set up better. I was confused (no surprises there) – worked on pant seam over the heels, but as a chronic all the weight on the heals guy it didn’t make sense…. The tip on shoelaces made it all come together in my small brain. Love the AMG + swing system- on plane and loving it!

  12. Great Great Video! I’ve been working on exactly this right now! One “feel” or mental image I’ve been using is I imagine my club is filling up my leg with power….as I pull the club back, it’s filling into the back foot, and as it starts to move upward to parallel, the power is going up my back leg and up to my hips…once I get past parallel (the club is now moving forward technically) the power flows over from one pant leg and down the front pant leg to my front foot (imaging a waterfall) and into my front foot….works pretty well for me.

  13. You guys keep making references to shoelaces and I'm over here scratching my head in the 23rd Century with BOA ratchets out the wazoo.

  14. Man I love you guys.
    Off topic, but I'd love a video/ explanation on what you guys notice as the biggest influences on club path either in pressure or gears. Not massive changes, but more fades vs draws.

  15. Nice work as always! What do you think about the trail foot rolling over as a single piece instead of predominantly the trail heel lightening? Like Rose or Freddie?

  16. Light bulb moment for me was one of your previous videos (provided you start off with weight in right place then get your hips moving correctly ie right hip goes back and around which promotes the recentreing and then on downswing opposite happens with left hip going up and around, legs act more like pistons to move the hips – 100% convinced foot pressure sorts itself out if hips move correctly).

    The final missing piece (which I struggle with the most but when I get it right is so sweet) is getting my arms to move first (ala all your earlier videos). If my arms go first (in reality they don’t as the body/hip naturally braces) then everything else just reacts in correct sequence (it’s slowly getting there thanks to you guys but boy has it been painful. Playing the long game (and always think of your message of need to go at slower speeds and if it was easy we would all be playing on the tour!). Must say it’s nice to hit my driver long and straight with very little effort (people just don’t know how much speed they are leaving out there if they don’t move their arms)

  17. Your reply on sequencing being horizontal first, torque second and vertical last is gold.

  18. The discussion about “lightening” the pressure under your feet, staring at 4:50 and again at 7:30 absolutely can’t be over emphasized. Apply this concept in the back swing and the down swing. Once I got this, I stopped swaying, coming over-the-top, early extending, and flipping. It allows you to feel the proper sequencing, timing, lag, swing plane, and put you in control of the low point. For me it was magic. Listen to these guys; they know what they are talking about.

  19. What was used by the pro in the pressure plate images? A wedge would look somewhat different than a driver. Maybe you mentioned it in the video, but is it a mid-iron?

  20. Another great video, thank you. What do you guys think of the Salted Golf Smart insoles? I’m still saving up for a gears system, ha ha

  21. I can use you with the shovel on the farm. When I play golf I use a golf club. Although some if the stories players tell me I mite put a shovel in my bag. Will the shovel count as a 15th club.
    Please don't take me serious.

  22. Huge fan. I'm wondering why we didn't show the measurements of pressure from left arm parallel in the backswing to left arm parallel in the downswing? We sort of jumped from checkpoint 3 to 5 and skipped checkpoint 4. I know it's sort of dynamically changing and a little different for everyone at that point but it would have been nice to see the recorded pressure measurements of the pros through the top. Anyways, y'all are easily the best instructors on youtube, keep it up

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