Simple Way To Check Your Clubface

Here is a simple way to check your clubface at the top of your backswing. After you watch this tip start doing this regularly so you can develop a great clubface position at the top of your backswing.

If you don’t know the position of your clubface at the top can affect the clubface at impact. If you are square at the top it’s easier to be square at impact. If the face is open or close you can easily end up hooking or slicing the ball. This simple way to check your clubface will allow you to develop this square position so you can be in a better impact position.

You can do this drill around the house, at the range or even when you play. Watch this tip and understand it. You will see this is a really simple way to check your clubface.

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  1. The face angle is fine at the top but in the downswing, it is always open regardless of my grip. What am I doing wrong? I don't want to have to start bowing my lead wrist in transition either because it feels so strange.

  2. Hey Coach
    Hope all is well
    That effortless swing the hinging of the wrist and the turning of the hips with the power rotation
    270 yards on a drive today straight down the middle with out pain
    You guys are the best.
    if an individual can listen and understand what he's listening to the lessons you all give can change your golfing life.
    Thanks for everything
    In 4 Life 💪💪💪👌

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