You'll LOSE Distance if you Swing the Golf Club Like This…

ZEN Coach Danny explains to Jamie that the fashion in which he is delivering the golf club is high spin and likely to lose him a lot of distance, especially in windy conditions.

As always, a huge thanks to Jamie for letting us share his ZEN Golf Mechanics experience with you guys.

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🎵 Music used:
▶ Leave Me Alone – Elro
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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.


  1. My practice swing is beautiful. In to out, full finish, however, when that demon gets put in front of me, I look like Charles Barkley only white. How do I go from a great swing to such a bad swing in the matter of 5 seconds? Ugly man really ugly.

  2. Amazing difference in the strike, well done 👏. I loved the sound of amazement in his voice when he said "it's come back" after that fine draw.

  3. You boys are so damn good at getting to the root of the problem and explaining it in a way that is completely understood by the student. Who can actually begin to do what you're talking about. They have an all important plan to take home and practice. Cheers.

  4. Is there a Zen program in the USA? You chaps are sitting on a gold mine! Don't limit yourselves. 👍 I've taken lessons in the states and not gotten much out of it. Also, I've never seen anything that connects the dots to the golf swing like what Zen is doing. Nothing! There's clarity, vision, fluidity and no distracting mechanics. Well done and next level!

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