Why Amateurs Can't Swing Like The Pros (It's How You're Rotating)


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  1. Hey, brilliant and very helpful video on need to achieve a square club face at impact and perform a proper transition sequence to start the downswing.

  2. You're fully right, reality surpasses fiction when it comes to rotating like a pro. Most amateur golfers are miles away from being able to train daily to maintain enough flexibility and speed to rotate efficiently.

  3. What the pros do which most recreational golfers don’t is side-bend the spine to the left in the backswing, back to neutral at the point the shoulders come back parallel in the downswing then into as much right side bend as the body allows through impact. You are doing it in this video but don’t mention it, instead focusing on what is happening below the waist.

    After becoming consciously aware of side bend you will notice that side bending to the left or right creates an opposite reaction in the hips and legs. Side bend the spine to the left in the backswing and the hips will shift laterally and tilt up allowing the back leg to straighten and push the right hip forward.

    Releasing the left side bend near the top of the backswing as the club force is pulling the shoulders square will move the hands in the opposite direction causing the wrists to max out their radial deviation and then the force of the club head mass will bend the shaft loading it.

    Between the top of the backswing and the point the lead arm swings parallel to target line the spine of the pros is back to neutral in terms of side bend then starts to go into right side bend which causes the hips to move laterally and tilt up pulling the lead leg straight and vertical “posting” it and making it the axis of rotation for the hips through impact and the finish to the left as the club force pulls both arms straight in the finish.

    If there isn’t any left-to neutral-to right side bend in the swing, like the pros, the hips and legs and club head path are not going to move like the pros. 😊

  4. Still a long way to go but seeing results as I work on the separation. Took me so long to realise it was the root of all my issues. Thank you!

  5. Your drill that places the alignment stick under right arm is also good for holding the arms back on downswing.

  6. Having been beating myself up with lessons, this was by far the best description of what Golftec was trying to get me to that I have seen to date. THANK YOU

  7. I think people need to realize more, that pro's hit golf balls day after day after day , unlike us normal folk who nip out in the morning twice a week, straight out with not even a warm up.

  8. Forget swinging the club for a bit and let your body unwind , legs , hips , middrift , chest and arms following . All the way through and repeat , all day ,for about fourteen years . Then youll be getting there 😊

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