Count Yogi demonstrating his Short Golf Swing – The Stroke

Count Yogi could move a golf ball however he wanted using only 3 basic shot types. 1)Swings 2) Strokes and 3)Putts. In this video from 1988, the Grand Master of Golf explains and demonstrate his Stroke, the ultimate scoring weapon.
Platform to Perfection –


  1. Thank you for uploading this. I use the yogi method and find it makes all of the game easier. It really shows in the short game though, very accurate around the greens.

  2. Thank you so much for adding a new count video to YT. This is great news! There's so much learning in this swing approach. Hidden gems few appreciate. Good to see you keeping it alive.

  3. This is possibly the best golf instruction I have ever seen. There is so much gold hiding in plain sight here.

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