Educate Your Hands | Your Hands Are The Secret To A Better Golf Swing

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  1. As I have difficulty releasing the club + distance/power, this will come in handy. Excited to try this out at the range!

  2. I know that this is absolutely correct every since I read Hogan's book 30 years ago…but I hit hooks…always and forever. Which has taught me to hang on for dear life and not make any effort to rotate my forearms or turn down my wrist. If I do, I can hit a 35 yard hook with a pitching wedge…..and smother hook my driver

  3. great video, i have been working on this, great tips!! – can you do a video in the future hitting wedges and different types of wedge shots

  4. I have a problem with pull draws that seems to be caused by rotating the right elbow out. This sequence helps me to stop rotating the shoulder and training the hands and arms to rotate.

  5. This is great! We need a Part 2… how do the hands and wrists work for the driver? (because impact position is farther forward and past the low point).
    Part 3 How does this change for hitting fades and draws? for each, irons and driver.

  6. At about 9:10 of the video , you mention dialing back. are you dialing back the amount of supination or the speed of the supination ( rotation ). ???

  7. Eric, with a stronger left hand grip there is a problem in rapidly closing the clubface through impact if I try to present the back of the left hand to the target through impact. So how to compress? I can get forward shaft lean with the back of the left hand in a strongish position through impact-the fact that the right wrist is slightly cupped at impact demonstrates the forward shaft lean. Problem though is that I can't rotate forearms through impact as clubface closes too rapidly. I think what happens is I tend to flip post impact. So what is the theory here? Pretty sure Freddie and Bernhard get all the compression they need!!

  8. How would this swing drill differ for fairway woods and driver since less of hitting down and in the case of driver actually swing up at the ball?

  9. Amazing explanation of the golf swing. I wish I had 20yrs ago. Thanks for sharing, 1000 balls tomorrow at the range!! 👍

  10. “180 degrees of rotation in a short period of time.” Yikes. That also means there is a lot of face rotation through the hitting zone. This lends itself to a difficulty in timing the contact from day-to-day, particularly under pressure. “Timing is the enemy of golfers.” — David Duval. This also explains why a good amateur golfer will shoot 72 one day and 80 the next. “I don’t understand it. My swing feels the same!” With all that face rotation, there will be misses right and left. When you are late closing the face, right miss. When you close it too early, left miss. Army golf.

  11. It looks like natural hand and wrist positions if you want proper shaft lean. Keep it simple I guess.

  12. Yeah I honestly think the same, so does players like Justin rose who says the right hand is his steerer

  13. Hi Eric. I really appreciate your teaching style. I’ve watched your previous videos on how grip styles and wrist action impact each other. Please share how you’d deal with my strong-ish lead hand and weak trail hand. I’m constantly trying to fix it. Thank you !

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