Golf Rules – Putting into Bunker

If you putt your ball into a bunker, what are your options?
You can play it as it lies, OR
You can take a one stroke penalty by (Rule 19.2):
Placing it back on the spot from which you last played from on the putting green, OR
Dropping it inside the bunker, within two club-lengths of the ball, no nearer the hole, OR
Dropping it inside the bunker, as far back behind the ball on a line from the flag as you wish (within one club-length of a reference point on that line, no nearer the hole), OR
You can take two penalty strokes by (Rule 19.3):
Dropping it outside the bunker, back behind the ball on a line from the flag (within one club-length, no nearer the hole).
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1 Comment

  1. I would have gone to the left of the bunker and at least made it pin high, maybe just off green, tough to get close either way.

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