This is The REAL Solution to Hitting Your Irons Higher

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This is The REAL Solution to Hitting Your Irons Higher

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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  1. What about if you hit it to high? I get no roll on my drives and the ball ends upright by my ball mark sometimes it comes back a foot or two.

  2. Did you know…if you throw a ball up and then throw it harder it’ll go higher than the time before? 😂😂 People trying to hit it higher are trying to do it earlier in the flight to get over a tree i.e change the launch angle, not get it flying higher when it’s past the tree…be more useful to have a vid on that than basic physics.

    Like the points on swing speed though.

  3. Clay, my question: is some 16 degrees the optimal launch angle for the 6i independent on speed? In other terms, is 16 degrees also optimal if I achieve only a lower speed. For me, this question is important because even your "moderate swing" with some 85 mph club head speed is beyond my maximal speed (for a full swing).

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