You WON'T BELIEVE how this EASY SET UP TWEAK makes the golf swing EASIER

You will not believe how this easy set up tweak makes you golf swing so much easier! You will compress your irons strikes from you wedges, 9 iron, 7 iron, 5 iron and Driver makes this simple easy tweak at your set up to make the golf swing feel so much easier! Follow this easier instruction from world top 50 coach Alex Elliott & see an improvement in your compression of you iron golf swing strike and a longer straighter ball flight with driver.

Simple golf swing tips for your iron golf swing & driver golf swing & from a simple golf swing teak at set up, start catching the ball first with irons and start squaring up that clubface at impact with your driver too! You WON’T BELIEVE how this EASY SET UP TWEAK makes the golf swing EASIER. The golf swing is so much easier when you know this & you will start to create easy power in your golf swing

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  1. this is SIMPLE but extremely important to get correct! What club made it click for you? BTW I can’t wait for the Netflix series 😮

  2. Great tips, Alex, while many focus on swing and gear they miss on what is more important. A consistent pre-shot and setup routine that suits their swing. You get this right, and you go a long way to hitting better scores. How's this for a tip in terms of feet width. With irons, you know that little sticker on the shaft near the grip end. Lay the club down in a line parallel to your feet. Your rear foot big toe points to this sticker and your front foot big toe ponts at the hozzle spot. Once I discovered this, I no longer worried about foot width.

  3. Great content as usual, easy for the club golfer to grasp and apply… well done.

  4. I started doing some drills at the range and could feel my swing improving, but started consistently pushing shots. The first three results on google gave three different causes of a push (club face at impact, hips, ball position). How do i best diagnose what's going on and what's going wrong? Are lessons my best bet, or is there a flow chart somewhere that, for each problem has a diagnosis and potential solution(s).

    It's great when you start getting into it and you slice a drive and go, okay, that was a bad swing, you slow it down and get it right, but incredibly frustrating when it feels like you flush an iron a few times in a row and they all land 15°(?) right of target

  5. Thank you, Alex. Finally, someone points out the easy to remember ball positioning for different clubs. I have been having a little trouble getting the best positioning, but this gives me a great visual for my setup. Unfortunately, I won't be able to play for a while. Here in Colorado, it has been snowing, and the ground is white.

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