GOLF IRONS Blades or Cavity Backs?

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  1. I always preferred the blades… but, BLEND ME UP!!! Love the blade feels, but for the long irons it’s nice to have a little help when I’m not exactly striking it.

  2. Blades in the months April to sept when you play more frequently and the conditions are good
    Oct to April blended set of cavities when you play less and poor conditions

  3. What If I like blades, and I want to feel sexy, but I honestly couldn't hit my own foot with a club if you tied my leg still?

  4. I went back to my blades for 2023. The look, feel, spin and distance consistency is just better for me with the blades.

  5. Lots of 'feel' comments for blades.

    I think it feels better to walk 150 yards for a slight mishit on a cavity back, than it does to walk 50 yards following a mishit on a blade

  6. I have blades for 8i through wedges, forged game improvement 5-7 and hollow body 3,4. Somebody needs to make that set. Only want hotter faces on maybe 3-5 irons.

  7. Playing a combo… Blades PW to 8, 7 to 4 are "very shallow cavities". Not that it makes that much of difference, but maybe the CBs feel a tad better when you miss the centre.

  8. I much prefer the look of the blades, but game the Cleveland you show, as I need the help. Cleveland are really under-rated, and incredibly good value. That's true of their fairway woods as well as their irons. Great company.

  9. I only swing blades cuz I’m an idiot, stubborn and don’t want help. If I make a bad swing I wanna be punished

  10. Why would anyone play blades when cavities offer more forgiveness? Even the pros admit to being less than perfect so why do we persist with thinking we're perfect. Leave your ego at the carpark folks.

  11. The debate between which is better for high handicappers has always baffled me. It seems like the general consensus is that beginners and intermediate players should play CBs, blades are much better suited to low handicappers and pros, and that a beginner trying to learn with blades is a road to nowhere.

    Personally – I exclusively use blades, and play off +19. I used to be off +30 when I started 6 months ago, and have never used CBs as my primary irons. The idea was to start learning with clubs that require a lot of skill to use, and then work towards gaining that skill even if it takes longer and causes more frustration. It has 100% been a pain in the ass and I've 100% considered dumping the blades for a nice, comfortable set of CBs, but now my ballstriking is miles ahead of where I used to be. The majority of my lost strokes are due to duffed chips, rudimentary bunker game and offline putts.

    In summary, everyone's comfort level is different and most people aren't willing to take an unnecessarily rigorous approach to gaining skill in a sport where the main goal of most players is to have as much fun as possible. It is absolutely easier to start with CBs and then work towards blades, if it's what you want to play. But you will make faster progress (in spite of the constant frustration), and your skills will be more refined and ingrained from training more intensely, for more time. My approach is not for everyone, in fact it's probably not for most people -but I know it works.

  12. Swing speed is quite important a slower swing speed wouldn’t be able to get the launch with a blade so can opt for a cavity back but a high handicap with a fast swing speed absolutely can use a blade and get the launch and spin needed to hold a green. I personally love blades cause I know I have to swing the club well to hit the middle and get a good result

  13. Blades all day. Everytime I’ve tried out some cavity backs my ball striking and distance control suffers.

  14. Cavity Back for sure… the blade reminds me of a stuck up skinny chick that thinks she is WAAAAAY OUT of everyone’s league… or maybe just mine cause I need all the forgiveness you can afford me:)

  15. I play 718 AP2s and boy the 5 misfits and skulking across the green are worth the pure strike feel lol

  16. Feels and workability are what I look for in Irons, I am being fitted for Taylormade Irons, and my numbers are right in the middle of p770 and p7mc irons. I am a 12 handicap.

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