Why Your Golf Ball Isn't Starting Where You Want It To

Fighting your starting direction with your golf shots?

The first step to solving it is understanding the leading cause, which our friend @Fredrik and Hannah demonstrates a simple way to check.

Your clubface angle in relation to your target will dictate the starting direction.

Your clubhead path is what creates the curve of the ball.

Off-center strikes will slightly skew both the starting direction and curve.
Next up how to fix it…

(If you have a specific question on how to fix your clubface angle, please drop it into the comments)
#GOLFTEC #shorts #golftips


  1. I wonder whether ideally you would need to be positioned at centre of a spherical room to get the most info from the trace?

  2. No, club path at impact dictates the start direction of the golf ball. Club face alignment to club path dictates the amount of side spin

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