How Long Does a Golf Ball Last? Actually can you outlast your golf ball?

How long does a golf ball last? Actually can you outlast your golf ball?
In this video, we take a look at the average lifespan of a golf ball. Do you think you can outlast your golf ball?


  1. Nice video. I'd love to see Tracman comparisons of new balls, used balls and salvaged balls that you would buy at a used sporting goods shop of even those that people like my Dad fish out of the ponds.

  2. Little tip everyone. Use a new ball 18 holes if possible, then use it for your 1st shot for a new round and i guarantee you’ll have your answer!

  3. Remember balata golf balls, sometimes u were lucky if it lasted a hole let alone 18 holes & they weren’t cheap.

  4. Once you begin to see scuffs then you got to switch to max out the performance. practice balls= till you see ball diving to the ground after 150 yards hitting 260-280 yards driver lol.

  5. @Mark, could you do a comparision with your launch monitor data of new balls compared to the different grade lake balls available from the likes of ebay etc Not refinished balls, just lake balls.

  6. I'm doing my part to make sure that any lost golf ball I find gets used just a little bit more. Of course, I slice or hook those balls into the bushes/tall grass so that the next golfer who finds the golf ball can contribute to fully using the golf ball!

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