Letecia Stauch replied to "I'm bleeding" video on Feb. 13th: See what Tee texted neighbor & told Al

#LeteciaStauch responded to her neighbor about the controversial video from the night before Gannon’s murder.

On or around February 9, 2020, Letecia Stauch leaked a Facebook video of the “candle incident” she had with #GannonStauch from the evening of Sunday, January 26, 2020. It was the same day that Kobe Bryant and his daughter and others perished in a helicopter crash.

Sadly, it was likely the same day that Gannon sustained some type of injury from his stepmother, which would eventually lead to him being killed the next day, Monday, January 27, 2020.

Therefore, the leaked Facebook video is important in determining what may have actually happened that night. It’s not clear why Letecia published those videos to Facebook, but after their publication, viewers noticed what they heard Gannon saying.

Uploaded to Plunder on February 9, 2020: LeTecia Stauch Leaks Video of Gannon Crying Over Carpet Candle Burn; Tee: “I just freaked out, OK?”

Uploaded to Plunder on February 12, 2020: “I’m bleeding” Gannon Stauch full 56-sec video: He tells LeTecia Stauch he’s injured. Use headphones:

Gannon Stauch 💙 Discussion Group by Vodka & Crime Society🍸

“These messages are between Letecia Stauch and me. I am a neighbor. The reason I messaged her at all without saying anything to anyone is because I wanted to help get answers. Instead of bashing her and sharing messages before the truth came out I wanted to keep quiet and help get answers, I wanted to gain her trust to get her to speak. Never have I ever believed she was actually innocent by her words, I wanted to believe she was innocent but deep down in my heart I knew she wasn’t. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m crazy or like I was ever siding with her or anything. What mattered most was getting answers for Landen, Al and Gannon’s loved ones. I did send these to a detective already when the investigation was going on but I kept quiet still.”

Letecia: Exactly.

Neighbor: Oh. Yeah, the video released from when Gannon had burned the carpet by mistake, everyone was posting how at the end they heard him say he was bleeding.

Letecia: He did bleed. I never hid that. That’s where the blood came from. Once again another fact I told police.

Neighbor: What was he bleeding from on the video? Because I know it was mentioned how his foot got wrapped in the garage because he stepped on something in there but never understood the “I’m bleeding” part on the video, I didn’t understand where he was bleeding from in the video.

Letecia: He set a fire on accident. What do you mean? The candle broke form the heat. From. I jumped on the fire.

Neighbor: Sorry, I meant what made him bleed? Was it the busted candle that made him bleed?

Letecia: He stepped back on his foot from before. So yes. We couldn’t see to get out of the downstairs. It was too Smokey and the alarm was saying fire fire fire. We ran out as fast as we could barefooted.

Neighbor: Ohhh, okay. That makes sense. I’m glad you guys made it out safe though! That had to have been very scary for both of you.


92. Letecia stated that she met “Eguardo” on January 26, 2020, the day
prior to Gannon’s murder. She generally described a Hispanic male with
brown hair and brown eyes, but could not provide any specific
identifying information. In summary, she told investigators that Gannon
had knocked over a candle on Sunday, causing the carpet to burn. After
that incident, she drove around the neighborhood where residential
construction was taking place. She met “Eguardo”, who was working on a
house, and asked if he would repair the carpet in her home. “Eguardo”
agreed, and Letecia provided him the garage door code, and they agreed
he would repair the carpet while she was shopping the next day.

133. Letecia made statements to investigators via text message that could be
considered exculpatory in nature related to the presence of blood in
the basement of their residence, as seen in the below text message. I
have talked with investigators that were inside the Stauch residence on
January 27, and 28, and 29. There was no odor of smoke, and no evidence
of smoke. In fact, one Detective noted the basement smelled like
coconut, and was very pleasant. Furthermore, I know that burns often
times do not produce wounds that bleed profusely.

160. Within Letecia’s falsehoods, there are details corroborated by physical
evidence that would be near impossible to know without being intimately
involved in the murder. Letecia has made statements to explain blood on
the walls in Gannon’s bedroom, blood on the rear bumper of the Tiguan,
and blood in the garage of the Stauch residence.

Romans 1:17

For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed–a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”