The Real Key To A PERFECT Backswing Pivot! 5 Reasons To DO THIS!

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5 reasons to change your knee flex:

1. To turn the hips (to turn)
2. To turn the hips on a tilted angle
3. To facilitate inward hand path
4. To reduce sway
5. To relieve stress on the body

When it come to the golf swing, most discussion involves TURNING the body back and through to create your ideal swing, however, this description is inaccurate and incomplete.

The tilting motion that happens in the backswing, downswing, and follow-through is far less talked about, but far more important if you want to build a consistent swing. To complete a functional golf swing, golfers must turn on a TILTED angle, and to TILT correctly involves multiple body parts – especially the KNEES!


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  1. Thanks a lot for all the great S & T vids! I have watch a lot of others but I always get so much more out of yours! Thanks a lot for all your help with S & T … priceless ….

  2. Great video but every method I watch claim they are pain free . Golf teaching these days is like take a pick . Not being negative just venting.This is from someone that plays with a fuse neck .

  3. Peter here, Rob. Firstly, your instruction on S&T is so thorough, and always makes complete sense. Haven’t heard you fluff a line yet (LOL). Since adopting it, I have had real, measurable success with all clubs, but I want to touch on the mental side for me. Weight forward, at setup, just feels so comfortable, natural and balanced. I never feel as though I will sway off the ball on the backswing. Additionally, I can keep my lead arm gun-barrel straight going back and in, without that feeling of my weight shifting to where it shouldn’t be. Couldn’t really do that with the old standard setup. It’s so much easier with weight forward. This is the single-most important factor for me and has instilled confidence in my ball striking. Greetings from Down-Under.

  4. I saw a video that suggested that if you placed the club across your shoulders, the angle of the club should be steeper after you complete your swing than on your backswing. If the club is pointed 12”-15” outside the ball on the backswing, where should it pointed at/after contact? Still outside the ball or closer to the ball?

  5. Another excellent video. I look forward to Friday’s, just for your videos.
    How are getting that whipping club speed at the bottom of downswing. It looks like it adds major amount of speed though contact. Thanks

  6. Good video but a bit misleading in your wording. You stated several times to straighten the right (back) knee. While you certainly straighten it, you never mentioned that you shouldn't fully straighten the back leg because doing so brings a whole host of issues. This is a very important part that should have been addressed in this issue.

  7. Thanks Rob. I sometimes get lazy doing this. You and JKM are very good instructors. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  8. When I started to take the tilt seriously it felt like falling towards the target side. The mirror showed me I had a very good tilt😂

  9. When I do this, it feels that I do not feel an increase. in pressure in the trail foot( as often taught) but rather feel a slight increase in pressure in the forward foot,with slight increase in pressure toward the ball of the lead foot. So there is no "weight shift" in the backswing. Also, since the pressure is already in the forward foot at the end of the backswing, there is no need to make an hip slide forward in the transition. The transition in the downswing is propelled by the left knee straightening rather than the right foot pressing . Does that make sense?

  10. Rob, can you comment some on your (left) lead leg in regards to opening your left hip in the downswing. I've been following your past instruction for over a year and have seen a very nice improvement (I'm a senior golfer). I've had issues with opening of my left hip (actively trying to rotate it) in the downswing leading to mishits and/or pulling the ball left. It appears in watching your video, the rotation mirrors your back swing in regards to flexion/extension of your knee rather than actively opening of the hip. Your left knee flexes towards the ball then then it the downswing you extend your left knee and with your weight shift and right knee flexing and driving forward you rotate around a "locked" left hip. Is that what I am seeing? Thank you.

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