Bob Vokey explains how to find your ideal wedge and sole grind

Golfweek senior writer David Dusek was recently at the Titleist Performance Institute in Oceanside, California, and had a chance to get a lesson in wedge grinds from the man himself, Titleist’s master craftsman for wedges, Bob Vokey. This video will help you understand more about the different Vokey wedge grinds and who they are ideally suited for, which can help you make a smarter purchasing decision the next time you are in the market for wedges.

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  1. 3 videos into this host and my opinion is the same…. Can you PLEASE stop talking OVER your guests and let them actually finish a sentence?!? PLEASE?!?!?! The guests are awesome but we are consistently seeing and learning more about the HOST than we are of what the guest has to say. Ugh!!!!

  2. If you're all confused. Get the 60M-08 or the 60D-10 (if youw ant more forgiveness), 56 S – 10 ( this is your very generice wedge that has common versatility. If you go down to 52 you probably want a 08 lower grind so you will want it to either be 52 s-08, and if you go all the way down to 46 get the 46F 06 or 46F08

  3. Can you recommend a new wedge for me?

    My home course has very tight fairways but extremely soft bunker sand. I love my 60.08M (SM9) around the greens, but it is practically worthless from the sand. My next-lofted wedge is a 54.14F (SM4), and I don’t really trust it anywhere—I tend to catch it thin both around the greens and the sand.

    I want the versatility to open/close the face around the greens, but need bounce to get out of the sand. Would a 56.12D be a good fit? Or a 54.12D *bent to 56*? If not, what else?

  4. Ugh. Let me translate for non scratch golfers.

    U need two full wedge sets in most places.

    1 with lots of bounce and a thin sole for early wet conditions.

    One with varied bounces to have 1 sw with bounce and thin soleish and 2-3 chipping wedges with a wide sole and no bounce low bounce.

    Keep the sw for both sets, so really it’s just 5×7 wedges total.

    Most real pros probably have a full bag “wet conditions set” of clubs.

  5. Got 4 vokeys i just play'em lofts are 48 52 56 60.. go to the range & chipping green. This is where you get all the answers…

  6. Bob is a legend, but not the guy to be explaining these grinds lol. Jesus this was confusing.

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