BASEBALL GRIP IN GOLF | should more golfers be using it?

Should a baseball grip be one of the most popular golf grips in golf or does it affect golfers ability to deliver the golf club how they need to, to play better golf?

AskGolfGuru Mark Crossfield shares over 25 years of experience in golf coaching to answers your golf questions and help you play better golf.

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  1. Question. I've always struggled with swinging too fast. The problem is exacerbated now by getting old and simply not being able to keep up with myself. How do I slow down? If I merely try to swing slower it just feels like I'm leaving time in the swing to second guess everything.

    In the alternative, what's a good way to establish a good tempo at the beginning of a round?

  2. How do you mentally adjust to playing with much more skilled golfers in your group. Sometimes feel pressured to play better to keep up with with their standard or pace. Even if they are cool about your game

  3. I am using a grip in which I put my right hand on the club with all fingers touching the club and then I overlap the left hand onto the right. I am a right handed golfer and this grip seems to work good for me. I feel I get much more power into the strike with the right hand in such a grip. Try it!!

  4. Always used baseball grip having not had lessons when I started out… currently 8 handicap 🤷‍♂️

  5. Baseball gripper. 31 yrs old, never had lessons (until recently) been playing on and off for 15 years. Currently play off 9.7.

  6. I learned with 10 finger grip and only recently switched to interlocked last year or so. but it turned out it wasn't the issue at all.

  7. And if you ask pro baseball players what their other favorite sport is, the majority will likely say it’s golf. Hmmm.

  8. Question for debate……. Music on the golf course??? Either players with phones and bluetooth speakers, or BIG speakers outside pro shops to create 'atmosphere'. To be clear, totally NOT for me at all. I find it intrusive and distracting while trying to concentrate and ruins the feeling of getting away from all that. M pro shop has boom box outside the pro shop that can be heard for 3-400 yards in any direction. Sometimes loud enough to require raised voices to be understood on the practice green. Thoughts?? Yes or no.

  9. Actually played hockey for many years so I had a baseball grip. Then my pro taught me the Varden grip and now I cant go back and feel comfortable.

  10. I use the 10 finger grip with driver only. I get more power from a better release and the ball rarely goes right on me. I use an overlap grip on every other club except putter where I use a reverse overlap. I’m interested in trying 10 fingers on all my clubs but have yet to attempt it.

  11. I've used the 10 fingers on all clubs for about 6 years. I think I improved distance since the change.

  12. As an older golfer i changed to baseball grip because i felt i was losing distance with the vardon grip ( finger aches and pains) more than 2 years ago . i think once you get use to a change it becomes second nature , now i find it difficult to go back to a vardon

  13. Couldnt lock my fingers as a kid and never changed as i got older. 30 years in and i feel like im going to let go of the club if i try it now. My daughter started at age 6 and couldnt hold the weight unless she used 10 fingers.

  14. Long shots I prefer overlapping with my right on the left, on short shots (<50m) I prefer left over rights. When fully wet, like rain or sweat I sometimes move to interlock

  15. I use the baseball grip. Switched to the interlock last season but ended up with some wrist pain that went away when switching back to the baseball again. 9!index, trending lower now.

  16. I converted 3yrs ago after a lifetime of overlap & went with the bigger MidSized Plus 4 Align Grips all at the same time. In the other sports I play, Ice Hockey & Tennis, it would just be wrong NOT to have your stronger dominant hand fully on the grip for power & control – no one in tennis I've ever seen would ever consider a two-hand backhand with both hands not fully on the grip for power & control. Every young golfer should be taught 10-finger – it's the future.

  17. Baseball grip and Jumbomax grips! (5 handicap) 50 years old and it’s more comfortable than any other option.

  18. Went baseball about 5 years ago due to a left wrist injury. Find it gives me more control and a lot less “cover drive” high wafty right shots. Tried going back to interlock and it felt awful..

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