Ball at the Savoy, by Paul Ábrahám. Folks Operetta American Premiere. Complete Show.

Folks Operetta’s critically acclaimed 2014 American Premiere of Ball at the Savoy. Music by Paul Abrahám. German book and lyrics by Alfred Grünwald and Fritz Löhner-Beda. English translation by Hersh Glagov and Gerald Frantzen.

This is part of Folks Operetta’s Reclaimed Voices Series.

Just back from his honeymoon, Count Aristide de Faublas sneaks off to a ball to meet an old flame. His wife, Madeleine, discovers his plan and takes her revenge by attending the ball in disguise. This sizzling jazz operetta features great singing, dancing, comedy and a splendid 21-piece orchestra.

Directed by Kristen Barrett
Conducted by Anthony Barrese
Choreography by Todd Rhoades
Set design by Adam Veness
Lighting design by Julian Pike
Costumes by Marriott Lincolnshire

Featuring: Cynthia Fortune Gruel as Daisy Parker; Ryan Trent Oldham as Mustafa Bey; Alison Kelly as Madeleine de Faublas; Gerald Frantzen as Aristide de Faublas; Bridget Skaggs as Tangolita; Matt Dyson as Célestin Formant; Ernie Cottrell as radio announcer/ensemble; Rose Guccione as Bébé; Kingsley Day as Archibald; Gillian Hollis as Giulette/ensemble; Michael Darnell as featured dancer/ensemble; Kristina Ancil as featured dancer/ensemble; John Wesley Hughes as Ernst/ensemble; Kurt Bender as René/ensemble; Katelyn Lee as Mizzi/ensemble; Gretchen Adams as Lily/ensemble; Otis Harris as featured dancer/ensemble; Roxann Ferguson as Hermence/ensemble; Shawn Morgenlander as Paulette/ensemble; Ed Buzilowicz as Monsieur Albert/ensemble; Felicia Filip Burkovskiy as Bessie/ensemble and Charles Barnick as Pomerol/ensemble.