Golf Babe

The Golfer’s Rabbit Hole – Are You In It?

If you want more pars, let’s make sue you haven’t fallen down the YT rabbit hole chasing a fix. Featured in today’s tip is a passionate player (Patrick) who I met at Bayonet & Black Horse. Patrick has a great swing. He struggles with his low point and has been trying to find the fix for some time now. He does to take lessons ( I suggested that he does) as it is so important to identify and correct the true swing culprit. Once you identify, then you need to practice the heck out of it really exaggerating the feels. So let’s get to it.

Christina Ricci is a PGA Class A, LPGA Class A, Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Golf Level 3,TPI Power L2 & Fitness L2 and best-selling golf author (four instructional books), PXG Ambassador.






  1. just like you cannot put Chevy parts on a Ford or Chrysler, many instructions vary as do the coaches. I took lessons from 3 different instructors years ago, and they all had different methods and ideas of the golf swing.

  2. No question just a massive thank you!
    I’m in Australia so not so easy to pop into one of your classes. That said I watch your classes. I starte to play over 40 years ago and I’m back into it after a 15-20 year layoff. After a bit of familiarisation with my old sticks I wondered if there would be anything worth watching on YouTube. Wow was that an eye opener. I was going ok but after surfing YouTube my head turned to mush and I was all over the place. I went for a clubfit and upgraded the kit and then I booked in with a local pro and he cleared my head. It was virtually a carbon copy of your “Patrick” lesson.
    Hear hear I say. YouTube is great but NOTHING beats personal tuition.
    These days I limit myself to 3-4 instructional channels and even there I only look at what relates to to my current training plan and even then I pick and choose.
    You call it a rabbit hole, to me it’s a black hole – if you are not on your toes it will swallow you up and it’s always beckoning.
    Thanks Christina Ricci, you’re fantastic.

  3. Awesome video Christina. You've hit on a few very important keys. One big one is to practice exaggerating positions, as I've learned thanks to you and my pro. My favorite saying is "Feel Is Not Real". We YT folks need to understand this and finding someone to look at our setup and swing also is necessary. Also, limit the number of voices (Pros) we listen to in this forum because that rabbit hole can spiral very deep.

  4. XD Everything I was going to type you said in the last three minutes. Your content is great information and I share it often with my friends who are still new to the sport. Thanks

  5. thanks for this video.always seems to not make sense that to hit ball straight to target i have to turn/clear front hips out of the way to the left.your visual and intructions made it more clear to me.

  6. I hope Patrick realizes what a lucky golfer he is. I can’t tell you how often I’m on the range and a top flight pro instructor offers to help.

  7. One thing about chasing rabbits — it's good cardio — lousy for golf though. Many have pointed out — this video clicks so well because of the communication.

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