Strong or Weak Golf Grip MY RECOMMENDATION

What grip and Why?
Advantages to both a strong and a weak golf grip so here are my recommendations. In my opinion there is one grip that is much more adaptable but its up to you to choose the best grip for your golf swing.

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For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING is now being implemented in 52 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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  1. Strong grip for me changed two years ago I started hooking the odd shot with a strong grip so I now swing more around my shoulder blades it works for me .

  2. Always had a weak or netrual grip personally, until I saw a pro on youtube said that a weak grip will end up with injury. Which ironically at the time i was suffering with pain in my hand, and felt like on fast swings I was maybe loosing control of the club at the top and letting the club lag and compress my hand. Switched to strong grip, initially i was hooking it more often, but it actually keeps me more grounded as i find it more difficult to "over swing" which is one of my biggest problems.

  3. Strong all the way for me, 4 knuckles showing on all full shot's, no manipulation of the club, feels way more powerful, also stopped my old habits of letting the club get loose at the top of my swing, took a bit of getting used to when i changed, but well worth the effort
    Unless i want to hit a very high flop shot, then i might weaken it.

  4. Do the LIV vid. I watched a few at the start, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel feel like a golf ‘tournament’. Showpiece, yes. Drama of a tournament? Nope.

  5. Steve, I've never been described as 'Funky' before….you sir are a legend! I have started to firm up my left hand grip, it really helps me suppress an annoying fade with my driver. Interestingly I'm neutral with every other club and relatively straight. My coach has worked miracles in helping me flatten my swing, its all starting to feel natural. Believe me the struggle is real! especially for my pro lol. Thanks for these really interesting lessons and discussions. You reinforce everything I learn.

  6. I feel the exact opposite for my swing. Im not sure if it's how my hips lie or having a weak left hip/knee/leg… but I find it difficult to get hip turn at the end of my round as opposed to the beginning. So my miss is almost always right or a fat shot because of weight shift issues. The weak grip feels more natural to me and the strong grip feels like I cant hold the club properly. I can attest that my top of the backswing hitch is a little off at times because of it… but I prefer the way it feels in every other way. Very interesting discussion though.

  7. Steve. Every time I strengthen my grip I pull the ball left or duck hook! I’m still trying! I love my “Gem” by the way! Striking more consistently. I’ll work on strengthening my grip! As to LIV, politics aside I miss watching those guys! Most of them are lots of fun to watch. Phil and DJ being my favourites!

  8. When you showed GEM swing trainer the club seemed to "swing itself" without manipulation. Does that mean that with a weak grip you cannot utilise the GEM swing trainer?

  9. Curiosity, you do not pull the club straight back before turning. That is against everything I have been trained to do. Is there a correct answer to this question?

  10. Steve, this is hands down one of your very best videos. Masterclass description of the impact of the grip.
    Well done. 👍👍👍💯💯🙏🙏🔥

  11. I’ve heard more about liv then I ever wanted to hear. If I never hear another word about liv I will be happy 😊.

  12. Will definitely be trying this, I've got a weak grip and have problems getting the club on plane. Haven't seen any liv golf but I watch established pros breaking down with the emotional effort of winning on the European tour every week, love it Olli and Tommy.

  13. Steve, great video. I use strong left and my right feels weaker like Hogan (opposing forces). I feel locked in.

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