How to Choose the Right Golf Ball for Your Game

We’re at Ping Headquarters in Arizona talking golf ball fitting and Ping’s amazing online tool to help you find the best performing golf ball for your unique needs.






Filmed at: Ping Headquarters
Phoenix, Arizona


  1. Fascinating.

    For more sophisticated than my method, which is to wait for Srixon’s twice annual Buy 2 get 1 free sale and buy 9 boxes of the XV. Repeat as necessary.

  2. Been waiting for somebody to do a video on Ballnamics. Glad it was TXG so we get the straight good not a bunch of hooey like some other channels.

  3. Super awesome video. It would be cool if you could add this algorithm to the mygolfspy quality control. Where a Titleiest pro v1 has high 90's score vs Bridgestone that has mid 70's. For me it takes out one variable to think about. Same ball all the time allows me to work on areas of needed improvement. Love this stuff. 😀

  4. Love this video. Ping is a wonderful company and their in my backyard. Thanks TXG for presenting this to us as another thing to get fitted for from an excellent club fitter. If your fitter is not utilizing this info, find one who does. it's that important. Cheers

  5. Super interesting. Looking forward to trying it when I better know my numbers. Note that it costs $39 USD for access to the results over a 10-day period.
    ** From website: "Your purchase of $39 will give you access to the fitting engine of Ballnamic for 10 days, with the ability to adjust your preferences and inputs up to five times during this time. After 10 days, you will get an e-mail with a link to your results or you can immediately send them to any email after each fitting session."

  6. Love so much about this video. Aerodynamics make such a huge difference and balls that perform the exact same on quad can perform wildly different over full flights because of it. Ballnamic has been a cool resourse that's a bit under the radar, until now I expect. Way to go TXG in thinking beyond the inital and working to offer and incorporate more ways to get your customers into the absolute best equipment for their game. 👏 Thanks for sharing with us.

  7. This is straight golf nerd stuff in all the best ways! Huge huge fan of this.

  8. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. Mike and I loved going through this with Marty. We had a blast with the team at Ping going through all the resources they have at their disposal.

  9. While very cool, in order to get your ball results you need to pay for it. I appreciate the hustle, but I am sorely disappointed.

  10. Best ball analysis I have ever seen!!! This takes the ball comparison to the next level. Who would ever think about wind when buying a ball?!?!?!?

  11. So their testing shows that Triad curves the least of any ball on the market? And is that through the whole bag, or just on the driver?

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