Improve your GOLF swing this winter part 2 of 5 @julianmellor

. In this 5 part series of videos I explain how to make your best golf swing. They cover the golf grip, set up/posture, ball position, 1/2 swing, 3/4 swing, full swing, body motion and the role the arms and wrists make. if you follow them in sequence and practise them as often as possible I guarantee that your game will go to a whole new level my next year. Hope you enjoy them.

Warmest regards, Julian Mellor

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  1. Your approach of easy natural and proper movement, not trying to copy elite players, was the only reason I could play again. I’m currently ‚out of order‘ and another comeback in a few months will only be possible with the technique that you are teaching. I wish it’d be spring already 😉 Thanks, Peter

  2. My goodness. I just love the simplicity of your videos. None of this p1, p2, p3 crap. I wish I had all this information at hand 30 years ago. What a lot of wasted time. Many thanks again for your content Mr Mellor.

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