Tommy Fleetwood golf swing.


  1. Obviously no idea what happened in this swing. The Obvious shift he referenced never happened at the beginning.

  2. when club is half back there is not pressure into front foot, but a loss of pressure or "lighten-ing" of the perceives weight on the front foot as he relaxes the front leg muscles, this permits a fall toward the front heel that is caught just at the transition. that caught falling mass is then spun around and up as the power generator. the momentum of that little fall is converted into the turn through the ball. a fall, then catch, turned into a rotation avoids having to push from the trail leg which would cause swing plan changes and contact problems. it is similar to effortless throwing a foot ball. we say step into your throw, but a step is a fall forward that is caught by the leading leg, and that momentum can be spun through the torso turning the shoulders and throwing the ball.

  3. Pressure shift to front foot happens just before top of backswing. The “rotation”, or “uncoiling” is more accurate but no biggie, as lead shoulder pulls upward begins the parametric acceleration Tommy is so good at. Great clip mate. Not sure if you’ve heard or Rotary Swing, but you’re describing the process very similarly. I’m a student of theirs and can’t tell enough ppl lol, love all you guys taking time to analyze swings

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