The Senior Driver Setup That Will Outdrive Your Buddies

See how senior golfers increase distance and outdrive their buddies with these senior driver setup tips from Todd Kolb!

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In this golf lesson, you will learn 3 easy senior driver tips that will have you hitting longer drives than you thought were possible.

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  1. Todd, your explanation of the club face looking closed was gold for me. You and Nick's common sense approach to this game is so valuable. Please keep up the good videos for us seniors

  2. I've done the things mentioned in the video. But when I set my feet to slightly closed, move my ball to be between my heel and toe, and most importantly when I bring my right shoulder down as you did I end up driving my club head into the ground about 1 to 4 inches behind the ball. So…nope…what you explained in this video made things worse for me.

  3. I'm not 20 and not a experienced golfer.. I took it up when I was 65. It is a tough game to learn. I took lessons just to get a starting point.

  4. That's exactly how I setup for the big dog! At 64 years young and 90 + mph swing speed, I still hit a high draw an reaching 525 yd, par 5's in two – drivers 275+ – 5 wood goes 230+ – everyone says my feet don't even come close to the international target line lol

  5. Todd, watching from Canada, where we only have another couple of weeks in our golf season. I'm wondering if these tips could apply to someone like me? I'm 50 years old but my right leg has a knee replacement and has been beat up (over 20 surgeries) quite a bit. I also lift weights, not a body builder but slender and a slightly muscular build. My best drives are maybe 220-230 and everyone I have ever talked or or taken lessons from tell me I should be able to do better pretty easily. Should I give these a try??

  6. Wouldn't you want a senior shaft??????? Anyone with 120 mile club head speed has a stiff shaft

  7. This is very similar to Ben Hogan’s 5 lessons which I believe not just the elderly folks should do. Back in the day a lot of golfers are doing this and hits it just fine. But, this is only my opinion, I wish more people can see this and see it themselves. Thanks for sharing the great contents, I love it!!!

  8. Todd, I'm a long time viewer and first time commenter (from sunny Santa Monica, CA). I love your book, but am confused by what you say at page 38. You say that the lead ear has to be high but the chin should be pointed at the trail foot. These ideas seem to be opposite from one another and I can't picture how to set up this way. Can you please explain it. Thanks.

  9. Hey Todd I'm from Rhode Island wondering how to cure the over the top on my driver swing? I notice it more when I try to hit the ball further down the fairway on a long par 4 or 5

  10. all my buddies are now doing this; and, they are knocking the ball 40 or 50 yards past me.

  11. I know I'm coming over the top…….what is the cure, what are the mechanics involved that make me do it? This is the most destructive part of my game and a draw drive would be pure nirvana.

  12. Thank you Todd for this lesson am 76 and a14 hdcp biggest problem has been off the tee. played today and implemented your tips missed only 3 fairways and shot a 79 also picked up yardage due to this set up keeping me more in sync and not overswinging thanks again

  13. I'm 56 with 100mph Driver club head speed. I setup very similar to this, but probably not as much draw stance. I've been told I stand too close to ball and tend to heal Driver shots. My concern with this is I can get a snap hook. What is correction, or things to check/do to avoid this?

  14. A most simple and effective tip for us oldies. Hit a few balls with the new set up then 9 holes . So pleased with the results. I'm a 72 yr old in Perth Western Australia. Keeping the club head square to the target at address is the key.

  15. great Advice, are you closing your stance or are you moving our right foot back?

  16. When ever the golfer closes his stance and tilts his left shoulder higher. This will cause too much weight to be on the right leg at address. While at address, it is recommended to have more weight on the right leg, golfer must realize not to have too much weight on the right leg.

  17. Hey at 76 i am an experienced golfer of 55yrs. Hit the ball reasonably long with driver ain my 60 s. Now at 76 200mts with driver is my best. Swing speed at best is 80mph: and that s using your good advice. which i ve practiced/used since I knew i couldn t hit long. What are your thoughts on the data I have given u about me. Agree with your explanations completely

  18. Hello
    Watching from Kathmandu, Nepal 🇳🇵. I will try tomorrow in the driving range.

  19. Todd, thanks for the fairway wood video. You are absolutely correct with the shifting of your weight forward. I have to make a few practice swings before hitting my 3 wood to engrain this in my head. I don't know why, I don't have a problem with other clubs but the 3 wood it really helps me. Very experienced golfer 1967 til today.

  20. Really like your simple tips but how do I judge how far I should stand away from the ball in otherworld how much lean angle should my arms have Mike from Ireland

  21. Hi Todd …great video … I will take this set up and work it into my routine … the club face will look closed helped a lot as I would always re-adjust 😄 From Naples, Fl

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