Top 10 Changes to Disc Golf Rules You Need To Know in 2022

2022 has seen a considerable number of changes to the official rules of disc golf. The new rules from the PDGA are effective from 1st January 2022 and in this video I’ll run through what I believe are the top 10 changes that every players needs to be aware of.

Check out the full PDGA rules here:

Just starting out – watch the PDGA Rules School series covering the basic rules of disc golf:

0:00 Start
0:30 Overview
2:20 Score Cards
3:21 Interference
4:56 Obstacles
6:07 Marking the Lie
6:49 Excessive Time
8:01 Wrong Starting Hole or Group
9:57 Absent Player
10:59 Completing the Hole
12:05 Out-of-Bounds
14:07 Mandatories
17:09 Wrap-up

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Secrets (instrumental) by RYYZN
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Tell Me (instrumental) by RYYZN
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Blue Sweater (Instrumental) by RYYZN
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Trust Me (instrumental) by RYYZN
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Overthinking (instrumental) by RYYZN
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Somebody New (instrumental) by RYYZN
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  1. I can't wait to use stopwatch alarm on my phone anytime a player takes over 30 seconds. It is gonna be amazing seeing ppl's butthurt haha. We need to record the times of bathroom breaks as well. Anything over 2 minutes should be a penalty stroke for every extra minute.

  2. I think missing a mando or going OB should be played where it was last seen by group if needed or a drop zone. Having to retee can dramatically slow speed of play for everyone in tournament, especially if every person or entire card can potentially miss mando, loose every disc in their bag lol or go OB. Not to mention destroy their entire round or weekend, maybe they drove across the country. Let's remember that fun is the reason we got into this game and fun can be pushed out if we're not careful. The rules are many and can be confusing, there is no reason for a 2 stroke penalty ever, it only adds more confusion. 1 stroke penalty sucks plenty and is easier to remember.

  3. I'm thinking about starting the UDGA, the unprofessional disc golf association, you'd get a stroke for being uncool or a rules stickler, good times or go home, if you don't have money for entry fee, your beers can be given in its place etc

  4. Would love this without the music, it was way loud and made it hard to pay attention, it is actually louder then ur voice, you guys should try to keep it lower then the guy speaking the next time.

  5. Question: what happens if a player doesn't mark their lie (example: a player putts, misses then simply picks up their putter and putts from that location without marking their lie). Is it a marking violation or a misplay violation? I've heard arguments for both but curious on what other people have to say about it.

  6. Hmm I don't like the lack of option to start on a different hole. I played a tournament where no one showed up to my starting hole. So I simply jumped on another card and talked to the TD.

  7. Thanks for this great educational content, Disc Golf Down Under! We appreciate all the work that went into letting players know, not only what the new rules are for 2022, but also what they mean and how they can impact the game.

  8. Isint it allowed to throw 1m from OB even if you diddnt throw OB? so should be about 3 meters from the corner where there where one meter on each side of the disc. I remember a Idlewind hole 16 corner green , i think KJ told Conrad to move ahead.. is this rule gone?

  9. Who can approve bathroom breaks? Card mates only? Or the TD too? It sounds like if someone is running late to their starting hole then they could ask the TD for a bathroom break which gives them the extended time to make it to their hole. Then that person can tell their card mates that they got approval from the TD.

  10. Great video. One quibble is showing the relief when a disc is in the corner and is not OB. The 1m from the corner needs to go through the thrown disc. It's not an arc.

  11. I think that making certain changes can be a positive change for the better. Making rules more simplistic and easily understood is a better option for all,especially for beginner players starting their first tournament. Being to vague or to lengthy can confuse people and could take the fun factor away, making people possibly not want to compete in tournaments. I do like the excessive time rule. Not that I’ve played with anyone who took to much time, however I have played in a couple of tournaments where the card in front of us had that one guy who loved to analyze multiple discs he could throw and then would analyze throwing those discs Hyzer/ani/flat

  12. So the change to holing out means that a disc that lands atop the basket and slips through a big gap in the top bars and falls into the basket is actually good? I had one of those and counted it as no good. Now I know I was really only +12 instead of +13! Yay for me. Oh wait… now my scorecard was incorrect so I'm +14….

  13. I love that you used our Floral Park Homer Simpson Man D'oh sign. It seems to be popping up everywhere now.

  14. Can I get some clarification on rule 803.02? If I land in the bush, do I put my marker right behind where the bush starts, which would still be in a bad spot, or do we get a meter of relief behind the bush?

  15. So if you are ever heading towards a quadruple bogey or worse, just go take a dump in the woods and join the card on the next hole?

  16. When I started playing disc golf all I had was a 141 world class….lol. I remember ordering my first Roq and softie putter……..

  17. Not a fan of removing the distraction part of excessive time. I don’t think someone should have to putt while another group is moving behind the basket. I could see this rule change being a problem if actually enforced

  18. Great and clear coverage, but hard to hear what you are saying over the music. Maybe consider dropping the levels in the mix so to reduce hearing strain

  19. Can you no longer have horizontal mandos i.e. triple mandos where you throw through a gate, if the shape of a mando is always a vertical plane?

  20. @12:02 Since this is rare and harder to do than it seems, our group has a "house rule" that if the disc comes to rest on top of the basket (can't be intentional or from within "tap in" range) that it counts as in and you get a bonus stroke off your score. Par=-1, birdie=-2, etc.

  21. Never liked the OB rule that lets you walk your disc to any spot on your lie to throw your next shot. Just feels like a hell of an advantage and kinda cheating. Since 1970 we had to throw from our lie. To me it’s sacrilegious. Now they are giving another advantage with the OB. No wonder their scores are lower. They play by different rules and therefore not the same game we played. Maybe it’s time we start our own league that keeps the original throw from your lie rule. A more pure game of dealing with your mistakes as it always was. Sorry just not liking the new options. Seems like cheating.

  22. Thanks for making this. Watched the whole thing and found it really informative. Not sure why I care, because I never play competitively, but still feels good to know.

  23. So on compleating the hole rule, does it now count even if the disc goes through the cage? Thats what it sounded like

  24. 804.01 How can you aim at the target instead of the mando? What if you cannot see the basket yet? How can you be expected to set your lie to a blind target and then still be forced to shoot through the mando if they are two different directions?

  25. These are great. Also, another big one not mentioned, is now you have to be an active PDGA member to compete in B-tier events.

  26. My two favorites are the obstacle relief and holing out. The first one will save me from getting scratched up with branches/needles climbing into trees and bushes. The second will be fun because I have a Koi putter that’s really soft and bends through the basket easily so that will save a few more strokes


  28. What is reasonable time? PDGA removed this wording from the Score Card ruling, but added it to the bathroom break ruling. Where are the bathrooms…near the Clubhouse, the food stands, your car? Number 1, number 2? PDGA right back to "What is reasonable time?"

  29. 810-D …
    So you shoot for a gap in the trees, hit a tree and the disk rebounds and hits you or your bag etc…
    You loose the intended shot.
    You loose 2 further penalty shots..
    You are ready to hit that tree again 3 shots down. Fairly large penalty for a bad shot?.
    (D does not mention accidental or a inability to avoid interference. )…

    811-F5 If your running late can you request a toilet break BEFORE you get to the start of a round…
    On that same note.. If you are in need of a toilet break do you have to make it to the start of a hole so you can request a break.

    With the removal of 804.01-D… is the lie now always the target, regardless of the objects. (So a dogleg around a building or through a tunnel would require knowledge of a not visible target, and a lie that can be stretched toward the heading as long as it is not stretched toward the target (i.e a foot on the lie and the other at full stretch toward a mando as long as it is outside a perpendicular line to the target.

    Relief from an obstacle…
    Define where the boundary of a bush is…

    Now define where the boundary of a tree is…

    Now define the difference between a bush and a tree…
    If a disk is immediately behind the trunk, this becomes very important. At what point can I step out of vegetation before it becomes a tree…

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