5 Mobility Drills To Unlock More Power In Your Golf Swing 🏌

Unlock a bit more in your golf swing with these 5 key mobility drills for golf! 🏌
Hitting the ball with more power or with more consistency doesn’t always necessarily require you to spend hours in the gym shifting some heavy weight or spending hours hitting ball after ball… sometimes it’s down to a lack of mobility which prevents you from getting into strong positions in the golf swing.

Think about Dustin Johnson or Justin Thomas… the positions those guys can get in to in the top of their back swing are phenomenal… and that’s largely due to a high volume of mobility work which enables them to reach these positions.

So through discussions I’ve had with Steve Furlonger and trends I’ve noticed across the board when I’m coaching, here are five of my favourite drills across key areas of the body which are going to open you up and help you slay bombs 💣

1 – Seated Thoracic Opener 1:08

2 – Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation 2:14
(If you need a foam roller, go grab one from Amazon –

3 – 90-90 Rotations 3:41

4 – Elevated Pigeon 4:56

5 – Half Kneeling Ankle Stretch 5:57

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