I learnt a completely new way of swinging the golf club

I learnt a Stack & Tilt golf swing from Tom Saguto’s YouTube channel.








  1. This reminds me a lot of the stack and tilt from awhile ago. I would not do this. The swing is to be a dynamic athletic motion. In essence your preloading your downswing. I would imagine your distances may have been ok, but not quite as far as they should be. By the way Jack Nicklaus carved out a pretty good career with a left knee that came in along with a heel being in the air. If you're struggling chunking it, check your setup. Be sure the ball is where it's supposed to be. Go through your fundamentals. There is a weight shift to the right at the start of the swing. Before you get to the top though you should be re centered. Then driving to your left side on the downswing. Most chunkers miss the recenter part. They try to go forward and end up sliding. Weak shots to the right or higher than what they should be along with lack of distance. Plus chunks and thins.

  2. I don’t know if you have seen the GForce channel but I think you will find it very similar to Tom Saguto’s ideas. Glad this is working for you.

  3. Looks really different! Much less swaying. Glad it's working for you. Good luck on the course, looking forward to hearing how you get on.

  4. Hi Rob. It seems remarkably similar to Rob Cheney’s wrench drill. I tried it for a while, initially with remarkable results. However on the course the draws became hooks and I gave up with it. Perhaps as amateurs correct weight transfer on the downswing is our biggest difficulty and keeping weight on the left side accounts for why most people , at least at first, find it great. But this was of course just my experience!

  5. With the hands low and coming in and around is that not promoting a massively inside take away?

    Asking because when i take it too far inside i tend to end up flipping my hands at impact and massively over drawing it.

    Did Tom say anything about that in his instructional?

  6. Sounds like Stack and Tilt. Hope it continues to work for you!
    ……Guess I should have waited until this end of the video until I commented. 😜

  7. Rob what should i do about my hair? I lost my hair when i was only 22 do you have any advice for me? Does it suck that i lost my hair at only 22 years old?

  8. Really interesting vid mate…curious to know if it would discourage a fade – which I wouldn’t really want?

  9. Looks a bit like “stack and tilt” technique, sounds sweet, edit watched the entire video, you know it’s stack and tilt 😅

  10. Strike is everything. I S&T also, and as soon as you mentioned Tom, I knew it was Sagutogolf… Don't let people discourage you. Strike is everything.

  11. Glad it working so far for you Rob, i tried it a couple of years ago, but i gradually got steeper and steeper into the ball. About 4 weeks ago i found a Swedish guy called Marcus Edblad , the most simple swing thoughts iv'e come across. My hcp was 9 and climbing , but since trying his stuff, i am down to 7 again and feel like there's load's more to come off. Good luck on your journey mate, if it keeps working, keep doing it 👊👊

  12. I’ve just hit three balls in the field and the contact, ball flight and distance were very impressive. I have the problem where my iron shots are very weak, I’ll be hitting the range this week for further testing but my initial outlook is promising.

  13. Hi Rob….good vid…Toms stuff is really good…..have you heard of a guy called Jim Venetos….check him on YouTube etc…..different again…..👍

  14. Some of those shots sounded so pure, Will defo be interesting to see how you get round on the course with it. Look forward to it. I'll check the Tom out as well.

  15. Also I did see a stack and tilt video where it suggested having a slightly weaker grip if you’re drawing it too much with this technique.

  16. Hi Rob, I've watched Tom's channel before. He's a fun teacher (nice sideburns too!!). I couldn't do the Stack in Tilt very well but it makes a lot of sense when you can hit the same spot on the ground consistently. I just watched your other video with the golf lesson from the guy who sways all over the place and doesn't look at the golf ball. That teacher made it look so easy. But I can't stop looking at and trying to hit that darn ball!! This video… Maybe the best teacher is 80+ year old "Old Man Pat" on the Golf Mates channel. Short hitter, always in play, great short game. Or maybe it's drinking beer while you play so don't give a crap. Lol.

  17. Really interesting stuff there mate. Be great to see how you get on playing with it on the course.

    See you in the future bruh

  18. "I've solved golf". I wish I had a pound for every time I've thought that!
    Bur seriously, if you want to go down the Stack & Tilt route then it might be worth having a look at Rob Cheney's channel.
    He is a GolfTec instructor based in Singapore and goes into the Stack & Tilt method in some detail. Hope it continues to work for you.

  19. The left shoulder to the ball thing is much the same as left shoulder under your chin. If you're flexible, and you look flexible enough it should be doable.

  20. The more demanding comment. It's because your swing is tighter and stressing the muscles you haven't stressed and stretch in many years as your swing has relaxed, softened and got out of kilter.

  21. Yes be good to see it on the course Rob , I use some of Toms Odesa’s especially left shoulder down I think it makes backswing so much easier.

  22. I follow Tom Saguto and I am playing better for it. I would say for the driver it is a bit harder to get the ball to go high. You really have to post up hard with the forward leg.

  23. I went down this rabbit hole a few years ago. I had similer periods where i almost felt like i was cheating. The problem I found was over time I started over cooking it, leaning too far foward, getting too steep and struggling alot with my longer clubs. Also ever1 just kept commenting how ugly my swing was… theres got to be a reason why no-one on tour is that far left at the top…but if it stays working for you then who am I to comment. All the best 👌

  24. As soon as I saw you take a swing in the intro I went "Hey that's gotta be Saguto". He's completely changed how I look at golf. He's the Pareto of golf. 20% of the effort for 80% of the results. You're not gonna go compete on tour or drive it 350, but you'll be consistent, straight, and confident in your shots.

  25. Hi Rob, new fan in the US on a similar journey. How is this affecting distance for you?

  26. Really interesting, was nice to see a different perspective from the normal pro tuition, please let us know how it goes on the course. Have watched Tom for a while, he is certainly a “character” Am going to try “reverse tilt” tomorrow “just to see how it feels,….

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