You can now swing link BEN HOGAN one of the greatest ball strikers of all time and this is Golf’s easiest swing imporever!! Every golfer loves the Ben Hogan Power downswing MOVE and this is the easiest golf swing move and way to achieve a power downswing with your irons & driver. Ben Hogan’s right elbow drier is the way to stop coming over the top and learn how to start the downswing.

THIS IS HOW YOU can hit the golf ball straight and long with every golf club using the this BEN HOGAN Golf lesson! Now you may think you have seen a video like this before but it’s different, not just 1 of the 5 Ben Hogan Lessons here this one series bring control, power and distance with every golf club. Hit the golf ball STRAIGHT with EVERY club after this BEN HOGAN lesson, learning to control the golf club through the takeaway and they into impact with the driver will allow you and show you how to hit driver straight but also hit your irons straight too!

PGA Golf professional Alex Elliott shows you how to Hit the golf ball STRAIGHT with EVERY club after this BEN HOGAN lesson. follow this simple advice and hit the golf ball with driver straighter and irons too!


  1. BEN HOGAN had to be one of the best ball strikers of all time. This is the drive MOVE that will instantly improve your SWING

  2. Since I first heard if his swing when I was a kid, I've tried so hard to duplicate it. Thanks for the tip!! I've heard and it may be completely false but didn't he always try to hit a fade? And if he didn't, he was upset? Because that's exactly how I try to play. Slight fade and I'm a happy camper.

  3. nice swing and nice hit. BUT, thats not even close to Hogan's swing. Lots of courage to teach Hogans swing when you cant swing like him at all. Too many of these in utube.. its like they know more than Hogan.

  4. I've been trying this for a few weeks. It has helped me out. Once I get more consistent with this I'm sure my game will improve more

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