Why golfers NEVER hit driver as far as they should…

Golfers should hit driver much farther than they are doing. Here’s 3 things I want you to do to sneak a few extra laser straight yards out of your driver swing.

Science has proven that to hit driver longer the golf ball needs to fly higher with less back spin. To do this the driver head needs to be striking the golf ball on the way up. Now many golfers are aware of this but for some reason they still aren’t able to do it consistently. In this golf lesson Danny Maude reveals why and gives you 3 simple things to do to finally start hitting some of the drives of your life 😁

Watch the full video here 👉

⛳️ Practice Plan 👉

Let me know in the comments which one of the faults you may have.

If you have questions like how to hit driver straight? How to hit driver consistently? How to driver further? Watch the video from start to finish to see if you can pick up something that will help your game

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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.

Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing

Hope you enjoy


  1. Learned how to hit the driver straight from you sir. 68 years old with bad back and only hit around 175 180 off the tee. Driver now my favorite. Will try this lesson but don’t want to loose my accuracy you’ve taught me. Would love hitting 220 or 230. Thanks for all these lessons…lots of us watch but can’t transfer from video to our games.

  2. Enjoyed this one Danny just back off holiday so first game tomorrow for a few weeks. Will give this a crack. Thanks as always. Have a great weekend

  3. For an almost 74 year old I get reasonably long drives, however I know most of my distance is coming from my arms only, I feel the club no longer goes out on a stright line but is moving left to soon. Will give this a go next week

  4. Really like that video and simple steps to follow. Promotes swinging through the ball with a good rhythm rather than trying to 'hit' or smash the ball. Will be working on these swing feelings, thanks Danny

  5. I hit the heal side of center consistently & I’ve sprayed foot power on my driver face, so I’m positive that’s where I’m hitting. I either get a slice or a snap hook. I’ve tried addressing the ball on the toe of the club & I do hit it out of the center more often by doing that, but still not very consistent. I have a launch monitor & I’m losing as much as 40yds with the heal strikes in comparison to the center strikes. I know without seeing me swing my driver it’ll be difficult to help me, but if u any advice for me that may help I’d really appreciate it. Thanks Danny and I love your videos buddy.

  6. Truth is everyone needs more than there salary to be financially stable. The the best thing to do with your money is to lnvest it rightly because money left for saving always end up used with no return 👍.

  7. I get all the motion, but tend to mis-time my rotation, occasionally, and the club bottoms out before impact. It's such a fine line on the timing. I work on this move all the time…

  8. Enjoy your videos. Prof Fred would correct you though, it's not one of your "furthest" drives. Instead it's one of your "farthest" drives. Have fun👍

    Remember correct grammar is not for you or me, but fit the "kids".

  9. Sir, I have been following you and practicing. My game has improved tremendously, I was practicing the snap as well as relaxing my arms and wrists with driver. I usually average 212 to 225 for Driver. Today I was hitting them 230 up to 250 with one being 263 my longest ever. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I shot an 83 today. Ill be on your website soon!

  10. Danny Maude this video makes so much sense. I apologize in advance for this being a long comment, but I need to give context. I took 6 years off and started playing again just over a year ago. Started taking lessons about 4 months (Nov 21) after I started playing again. Hitting irons was great, compressing the ball, etc. For driver, my instructor wasn't as detailed, and couldn't communicate "feels" to me. I found your video about hitting the driver. It started with a one arm (right arm) swing, then left arm, then both. Possibly the BEST Driver Swing Tip EVER!, from January 8, 2021. After watching that video at least 10 times, I worked on the drills at my local range for two nights in a row, each was a 2-3 hour session. I got it down, and have the video from those sessions to this day. Fast forward to this spring. I'm a pretty tall (6'4"), athletic (college basketball, track, triathlete), flexible guy, but could not get my club head speed with driver over 108 while playing (110 once in a while while practicing). I carry the ball 270 – 280 (a first world problem, I know), but based on the distances I hit every other club in the bag, I just feel like I'm only performing at 70%, and I feel "restricted" (no flow). Another thing is my sequencing isn't great, and I don't get posted up on my left leg every time, or really accelerate through the ball. All sorts of advice from the coach, and friends… nothing. THIS makes sense, and the fact you break it up into pieces makes it very easy to follow. I watched this about 4 times through just now, and followed along with my driver in my living room. Just the feeling of the first drill, pushing the right shoulder down and forward… feels very natural, and I know it's the proper way for my body to react through the swing (staying behind the ball, etc). I'm getting over knee surgery (torn meniscus, right knee), but will be golfing again in about 4 weeks. I am VERY confident this will increase my club head speed, distance, as well as accuracy, and consistency in a very big way. I will report back in 4 – 5 weeks with the results. Danny, thank you for the great instruction, the "why" behind the concept, and breaking it down into easy to follow steps. Brilliant!

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