In this video I want to educate you guys on why you are seeing certain ball flight. I think this is very important to understand this concept especially if you are in the middle of making some physical changes to your technique. Without understanding these ball flight laws then it would be more difficult for the average players to know what they are actually trying to change.

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Song: DayFox – Lioness (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link:


  1. Awesome work. Very helpful

    Thanks for explaining this. I have all those shots just don't know when it's gonna happen lol.
    Keep it up and thank you

  2. Spot on you are first to highlight such important. The word WHY THINGS HAPPEN. THANKS A MILLION wrong or right one needs to know why

  3. Really good video! A lot of people, including me, have a hard time understanding how to draw and fade the ball but you explained it very well

  4. I understand ball flight laws, but I can’t figure out how to hit a DRAW. I either fade or HOOK the ball (or as you say, a pull-fade). So, I normally hit the fade because it’s less penal than a HOOK 🙄

    I think this is pretty typical of most of us mere mortal golfers … hit a fade (or a slice)

    I wish I could develop a DRAW, so a follow up video on some drills to DEVELOP a draw. Fall is upon us (here in the Midwest), Winter is approaching, which means I’ll be moving indoors into a simulator soon … the perfect time & place to make swing changes.

    Also, is there anything we can do to increase clubhead speed? (Swinging HARDER doesn’t seem to work)

    Keep up the good work, JKM 👍🏻

  5. Great explanation! Apparently Sam Snead’s natural shot was a pull, and adjusted every shot for this.

  6. Explained brilliantly, just a matter of practicing it if you've always sliced it's a case of changing muscle memory 👌

  7. Profe Jonathan Kim Moss golf Gracias por compartir su conocimiento muy ilustrativo el video, siga adelante con esos trabajos tan estupendos.
    Felicitaciones hasta pronto.

  8. Both to fade or draw, i use the same swing, watched a Bernard Langer clinic at Wentworth years ago, i aim slightly left for a fade, and slightly right for a draw, on both i set up with the club face aiming at where i want the ball to finish. I only ever set up square to hit it straight, only if i have absolutely no choice, it's absolutely the hardest shot to hit i think.

  9. So glad you made this video, Jon! I was always confused about where to point the clubface in relation to the swing path. I will use the sticks the way you demonstrated to practice drawing the ball. Thank you!

  10. Yes it would be great to see the GC Quad numbers but I also would like to see you demonstrate what setup(s) inhibit the ability to draw the ball consistently. It would seem everyone, myself included, can hit a fade/slice but the draw remains elusive – for me anyway. Thanks for all the great content, glad I am subscribed.

  11. Great video. To hit a baby draw, about how many degrees to the right of the target should we aim the club face and the swing path? Also, if we are visualizing a clock, if the target is at 12:00, at what time should we swing the face and the path? Thank you very much.

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