Rick Shiels rates Good Good members golf skill


  1. Steve, although very inconsistent, could likely sneak a round in the 70s once in every 10 rounds. I'd probably say 5 is a pretty generous standing. I would say he's more like 8-10.

  2. Obviously he doesn’t want to say anything controversial so he played it safe. My guesses would be
    1. Micah +4 handicap
    2. Grant (tied) +2 handicap
    2. Garrett (tied) + 2 handicap
    4. Matt 5 handicap
    5. Bubbie 7 handicap
    7. Steve 10 handicap

  3. If Micah could clean up his putting and short game just a little bit. He’s got the game to compete on tour! Grant just isn’t long enough to play on tour. Garrett just needs to work on keeping his driver straighter and could EASILY be on tour! He has a world class short game!

  4. Grant and Micah are super close, giving the slight edge to Micah bc he hits it so far so if he gets a little more consistency in all aspects of his game he could really be on the tour

  5. Do they not have official handicaps because they rarely play complete rounds, instead play scramble, short matches, etc?

  6. Guy is podcast poison.
    His constant judgmental tone of superiority is disgusting and nauseating.

  7. Garrett is the most talented in my opinion. When he is on he is the best. His only thing to work on is consistency. His short game is on par with Pros.

  8. All of you are 59s for entertainment value! That was such a fun series!

  9. A handicap is not based on your average round, it’s based on your potential best. The truth is, tour events are not usually won by the most consistent golfer, they are won by the most dangerous golfer who is able to take it very low when they get hot.

    It terms of who has the greatest ability to shoot very low…. my controversial take is that I think it’s Garrett. He drives the ball 340+ when hot, and has the best short game and shot making abilities. His only weakness is that he stabs at his putts.

    Micah is great all around, but I think Garrett has the x-factor.

    Hopefully next year, they actually keep scores and see who is actually the best. Sounds like they are putting together a tour of sorts.

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